This release is no longer installable based on changes to IAM role trust policy behavior and to tagging behavior (#1085 ), use v1.5.5 or above
This was a major release and includes custom upgrade instructions
This release includes all fixes and enhancements up to and including previous v1.3.9
Add support to install on top of and leverage AWS Control Tower (CT) features (#492 )
add ability to create a separate Organization S3 DataPlane trail
extend CloudWatch Metrics and Alarms to support "accounts": ["ALL"]
when ct-baseline=true
existing deployments can NOT upgrade at this time, new installs only
changes to support all 4 account creation methods (Orgs, ASEA, Account Factory, AWS API)
tweak SCP code to allow inter-operability with Control Tower
does not create the Organization control plane CloudTrail (as CT creates account based Trails)
only deploys Config Recorders in the root account and non-CT regions in sub-accounts (as CT covers remainder)
uses global-options/organizationAdminRole to createConfigRecorders (or blocked by CT SCPs)
does not create Config Aggregator in root account (as CT creates in Management and Security accounts)
reference the new Control Tower example config file
Add option to deploy AWS Network Firewall on any VPC (#505 )
Add option to deploy Gateway Load Balancer (GWLB) with an Auto Scaling Group of appliance instances (#504 )
Update existing VPN code to move vendor specific hard coded parameters to the config file
Add ability to create and remove a Config Aggregator in any central services account (Security, Operations, Log) (#769 )
includes option to NOT deploy the Aggregator in the Mgmt account for NEW installs
Added a new alb-forwarding feature (#505 )
Add functionality to auto-generate config file schema documentation from the codebase
add mandatory friendly field translations and descriptions in src\lib\config-i18n\src\en.ts
(fr.ts to follow)
these field definitions are DRAFT and have not been fully validated
Added the capability to manage CIDR ranges in DynamoDB, rather than within the config file (#494 )
added ability to perform dynamic CIDR assignments (unlocks spoke VPC architectures at scale)
leverages the concept of CIDR pools
added new automatic config file variables to enable defining all VPCs in a single nested config file
Details in ticket #494 and in the custom upgrade instructions
Added the capability to deploy opt-in VPC's (#714 )
SCP optimizations and restructuring (#501 )
Change default ‘AcceleratorName’ to ‘ASEA’, ‘AcceleratorPrefix’ to ‘ASEA-‘ and ‘ConfigRepositoryName’ to ‘ASEA-Config-Repo’ for new installs (#752 )
Add support for installation from CodeCommit in addition to GitHub (#752 )
Changes to account warming process to improve odds of perimeter firewall deployment not being skipped on first state machine execution (#752 )
Optionally add new SNS topics in root account/home region which forward to Ops account topics (fix Security Hub alarm validations) (#752 )
Enable rotation on cdk-assets-key in Operations account (contains all the cdk buckets) (#752 )
Add “Publish sensitive data findings to” Security Hub option for Macie (#752 )
Enable Firewall Manager alerting, set SNS topics to chosen alerting topic (#752 )
Enable Security Hub alerting by forwarding SH events/findings to the existing alerting topics (events of the specified priority AND above) (#498 )
add central-security-services\security-hub-findings-sns: "None || Low || Medium || High || Critical" (#752 )
Enable creating "dedicated tenancy" VPCs (#752 )
Move RDGW image name to config file (enable customers to change Windows versions) (#752 )
Update state machine to use direct CodeBuild integration (simplifies log access) (#752 )
Replace Webpack with esbuild (significant performance improvement) (#752 )
Enhance CloudWatch-CrossAccountSharing policy and central config bucket security permissions (#752 )
Add copyright and license info to all code files (#752 )
Cleanup type deviations throughout config file
Move Typescript schema to: src\lib\config\src\config.v2.ts
Rename global-options\aws-org-master
to global-options\aws-org-management
in config file
Update all dependencies throughout (#676 )
Nodejs 14, CDK 1.113.0, npm 6.2.3, AWS SDK 2.944.0, Codebuild STANDARD_5_0, etc.
Add support to deploy CGWs without deploying appliances for TGW attachment (#739 )
Enhance EBS KMS key policy to support EKS (#685 )
Enable CodeBuild image caching for installer pipeline (#658 )
Add a script to assist with generating outputs for local development (#753 )
Script to convert v1.3.8 customers config file to v1.5.0 format and populate DynamoDB with assigned CIDRs (#790 )
aligned OU structure with latest AWS multi-account guidance
Other minor enhancements to improve OOB Security Hub scores (DDB PITR, encryption, on-demand scaling, etc.)
Fix IAM password complexity occasionally causing state machine failures (#756 )
Fixed spelling in state machine auto-start scope parameter used on new accounts creation (#752 )
Fix creation of 2nd VPC containing identical name prefix (#731 )
GuardDuty occasionally not enabled in Management account (#754 )
IAM role creation did not apply the specified trust policy (#824 )
Added a v1.3.9 to v1.5.0 custom upgrade instructions
Re-write installation guide to include Control Tower, NFW, GWLB, and alb-forwarding functionality
General improvements throughout documentation, updated architecture diagrams
Update all example config files, add new examples for ControlTower, GWLB, NFW
Add DRAFT config file schema documentation (attached to release artifacts)
accessed by unzipping, navigating to: src\lib\docs-gen\output-docs\en
, and opening index.html
in a browser
CONFIG FILE CHANGES (Major mandatory changes throughout)
Review the latest example config files
Leverage the config file conversion script
Review the v1.5.0 upgrade guide
We are releasing a very early GUI mock-up (attached to release artifacts)
It is NOT ready for use with customer config files, even in test installations
Test by unzipping, navigating to: src\ui\build
, and opening index.html
in a browser
Requires utilization of a v1.5.0 config file found in the reference-artifacts\SAMPLE_CONFIGS
We are only releasing to get feedback on the gui's direction
You can’t perform that action at this time.