1179 commits
to refs/heads/develop
since this release
In this release we introduced telemetry for Powertools user-agent for Lambda Execution Environment.
This will allow us to have visibility on Powertools invocations.
🌟New features and non-breaking changes
🔧 Maintenance
- chore(governance): add Lambda Powertools for Python in issue templates (#251) by @leandrodamascena
- chore(ci): add workflow to dispatch analytics fetching (#248) by @rubenfonseca
- update changelog with latest changes (#241) by @hjgraca
- update pipeline to create a new branch instead of push (#237) by @hjgraca
- fix: Update NuGet references for examples (#235) by @amirkaws
This release was made possible by the following contributors:
@amirkaws, @hjgraca, @leandrodamascena, @rubenfonseca and Release bot