This guide provides step-by-step instructions for enabling Application Signals in .NET applications using the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) Instrumentation for .NET on supported platforms.
- The Integration Test Application is used as the reference .NET application throughout this guide. to demonstrates how to implement and test the ADOT instrumentation
- The CloudWatch Agent is set up to collect OTel telemetry data emitted by the application, and then sent to Amazon CloudWatch for monitoring and analysis
- The guide provisions all necessary infrastructure to run the sample application from scratch
- Launch a Linux EC2 instance
- Specify a key pair (.pem) for secure connection to the instance
- Add CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy to instance IAM role
- Log into the instance using SSH client
chmod 400 "<customer_key_pair_name>.pem" ssh -i "<customer_key_pair_name>.pem"
- Install .NET 8
sudo rpm --import sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/microsoft-prod.repo sudo dnf install -y dotnet-sdk-8.0 dotnet --version > /tmp/dotnet-version
- Install AWS CLI
- AWS CLI is preinstalled on Amazon Linux instances, verify by
aws --version
- If not installed, follow AWS CLI Installation Guide to install
- AWS CLI is preinstalled on Amazon Linux instances, verify by
- Install Git
sudo yum update -y sudo yum install git -y git --version
export INSTALL_DIR=~/OpenTelemetryDistribution
unzip -d $INSTALL_DIR
- Pull the agent repo from GitHub to use the integration test application
git clone
- Build the sample application
cd aws-otel-dotnet-instrumentation/sample-applications/integration-test-app/ dotnet publish integration-test-app/integration-test-app.csproj -c Release -o out
- Run the sample applcation with .NET auto-instrumentation agent
export INSTALL_DIR=~/OpenTelemetryDistribution export CORECLR_ENABLE_PROFILING=1 export CORECLR_PROFILER={918728DD-259F-4A6A-AC2B-B85E1B658318} export CORECLR_PROFILER_PATH=${INSTALL_DIR}/linux-x64/ export DOTNET_ADDITIONAL_DEPS=${INSTALL_DIR}/AdditionalDeps export DOTNET_SHARED_STORE=${INSTALL_DIR}/store export DOTNET_STARTUP_HOOKS=${INSTALL_DIR}/net/OpenTelemetry.AutoInstrumentation.StartupHook.dll export OTEL_DOTNET_AUTO_HOME=${INSTALL_DIR} export OTEL_DOTNET_AUTO_PLUGINS="AWS.Distro.OpenTelemetry.AutoInstrumentation.Plugin, AWS.Distro.OpenTelemetry.AutoInstrumentation" export export OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_PROTOCOL=http/protobuf export OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT= export OTEL_AWS_APPLICATION_SIGNALS_EXPORTER_ENDPOINT= export OTEL_METRICS_EXPORTER=none export OTEL_AWS_APPLICATION_SIGNALS_ENABLED=true export OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER=xray export OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER_ARG= export ASPNETCORE_URLS=http://+:8080 export LISTEN_ADDRESS= dotnet out/integration-test-app.dll
View the collected OTel telemetry data in the CloudWatch Application Signals service console
- Launch a Windows EC2 instance
- Edit security group inbound rule to allow RDP traffic from your machine
- Add CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy to instance IAM role
- Log into the instance using RDP tools
- Open a PowerShell session
- Install .NET 8
- In powershell session
wget -O dotnet-install.ps1 .\dotnet-install.ps1 -Version 8.0.302
- In powershell session
- Install AWS CLI
- Install following AWS CLI user guide
msiexec.exe /i
- Reopen PowerShell session after around 30 seconds and verify installation
aws --version
- Install following AWS CLI user guide
- Install Git
winget install --id Git.Git -e --source winget $env:PATH += ";C:\Program Files\Git\cmd" git --version
- Enable Application Signals in your account
- Download and start the CloudWatch agent
- Either follow Linux instruction and refer to CW Agent guidance for different processes setting up Windows
- Or follow these steps:
- Install CloudWatch Agent
- Download amazon-cloudwatch-agent.msi
- Install
msiexec /i amazon-cloudwatch-agent.msi
- Create CloudWatch Agent configuraiton file
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "C:\tmp" -Force $content = @" { "traces": { "traces_collected": { "application_signals": {} } }, "logs": { "metrics_collected": { "application_signals": {} } } } "@ Set-Content -Path "C:\tmp\application-signals-cwagent-config.txt" -Value $content
- Start CloudWatch Agent
& $Env:ProgramFiles\Amazon\AmazonCloudWatchAgent\amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl.ps1 -m ec2 -a status
- Install CloudWatch Agent
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile ""
$env:INSTALL_DIR = "C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\OpenTelemetryDistribution"
Expand-Archive -Path "" -DestinationPath $env:INSTALL_DIR
- Pull the agent repo from GitHub to use the integration test application
git clone
- Build the sample application
cd aws-otel-dotnet-instrumentation/sample-applications/integration-test-app/ dotnet publish integration-test-app/integration-test-app.csproj -c Release -o out
- Run the sample applcation with .NET auto-instrumentation agent
$env:INSTALL_DIR = "C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\OpenTelemetryDistribution" $env:CORECLR_ENABLE_PROFILING = "1" $env:CORECLR_PROFILER = "{918728DD-259F-4A6A-AC2B-B85E1B658318}" $env:CORECLR_PROFILER_PATH = "$env:INSTALL_DIR\win-x64\OpenTelemetry.AutoInstrumentation.Native.dll" $env:DOTNET_ADDITIONAL_DEPS = "$env:INSTALL_DIR\AdditionalDeps" $env:DOTNET_SHARED_STORE = "$env:INSTALL_DIR\store" $env:DOTNET_STARTUP_HOOKS = "$env:INSTALL_DIR\net\OpenTelemetry.AutoInstrumentation.StartupHook.dll" $env:OTEL_DOTNET_AUTO_HOME = "$env:INSTALL_DIR" $env:OTEL_DOTNET_AUTO_PLUGINS = "AWS.Distro.OpenTelemetry.AutoInstrumentation.Plugin, AWS.Distro.OpenTelemetry.AutoInstrumentation" $env:OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES = "" $env:OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_PROTOCOL = "http/protobuf" $env:OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT = "" $env:OTEL_AWS_APPLICATION_SIGNALS_EXPORTER_ENDPOINT = "“ $env:OTEL_METRICS_EXPORTER = "none" $env:OTEL_AWS_APPLICATION_SIGNALS_ENABLED = "true" $env:OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER = "xray" $env:OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER_ARG = "" $env:ASPNETCORE_URLS = "http://+:8080" $env:LISTEN_ADDRESS = "" dotnet out/integration-test-app.dll
View the collected OTel telemetry data in the CloudWatch Application Signals service console
- Create VPC for EKS cluster
- Choose IPv4 CloudFormation template for easier setup
- Install
curl -O
- Install AWS CLI
- Install following AWS CLI user guide
- Install
brew tap weaveworks/tap brew install weaveworks/tap/eksctl
- Create EKS Cluster
- Specify
to be the private subnets created in the VPC CloudFormation stack
eksctl create cluster --name <my-cluster-name> --region <region-code> --version 1.30 --vpc-private-subnets subnet-ID1,subnet-ID2 --without-nodegroup
- Specify
- Launch Linux Workder Nodes
- Both the sample application and
addon run on pods on these Linux nodes - Specify
to be the public subnets created in the VPC CloudFormation stackeksctl create nodegroup --cluster <my-cluster-name> --name <my-nodegroup-name> --node-type m5.large --nodes 3 --nodes-min 1 --nodes-max 4 --ssh-access --managed --region <region-code> --ssh-public-key <my-public-key-name> --subnet-ids subnet-ID1,subnet-ID2
- Add managed policy
to the node role
- Both the sample application and
- Install addon
aws eks create-addon --cluster-name <my-cluster-name> --addon-name amazon-cloudwatch-observability
- Verify deployment configuration of the addon
kubectl edit deployment amazon-cloudwatch-observability-controller-manager -n amazon-cloudwatch
- Verify ADOT auto-instrumentation image is specified
spec: containers: - args: .... -
- Verify ADOT auto-instrumentation image is specified
- Pull the agent repo from GitHub to use the integration test application
git clone
- Build the sample application
cd aws-otel-dotnet-instrumentation/sample-applications/integration-test-app/ dotnet publish integration-test-app/integration-test-app.csproj -c Release -o out
- Replace
contentsFROM AS build-env WORKDIR /app COPY . ./ RUN dotnet publish integration-test-app/integration-test-app.csproj -c Release -o out FROM WORKDIR /app EXPOSE 8080 COPY --from=build-env /app/out . ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "integration-test-app.dll"]
- Build docker image for sample applcation
docker build -t dotnet-sample-app .
- Verify
docker image createddocker images dotnet-sample-app
- Verify
- Authenticate docker to your Amazon ECR Registry
aws ecr get-login-password --region <region-code> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <aws-account-id>.dkr.ecr.<region-code>
- Create a repository in Amazon ECR
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name dotnet-sample-app-repo --region <region-code>
- Tag your local docker image with the ECR repository URI
docker tag dotnet-sample-app:latest <aws-account-id>.dkr.ecr.<region-code>
- Push the docker image to your ECR repository
docker push <aws-account-id>.dkr.ecr.<region-code>
- Create sample application configuration file
apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata: labels: linux name: dotnet --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: dotnet-demo namespace: dotnet spec: selector: matchLabels: app: dotnet-demo tier: backend track: stable replicas: 1 template: metadata: labels: app: dotnet-demo tier: backend track: stable annotations: "true" spec: containers: - name: dotnet-demo image: <aws-account-id>.dkr.ecr.<region-code> ports: - name: http containerPort: 8080 command: ["dotnet", "integration-test-app.dll"] imagePullPolicy: Always env: - name: AWS_REGION value: "us-east-1" - name: LISTEN_ADDRESS value: "" - name: ASPNETCORE_URLS value: "http://+:8080" nodeSelector: linux tolerations: - key: "os" operator: "Equal" value: "linux" effect: "NoSchedule"
- Run the sample applcation with .NET auto-instrumentation agent
kubectl apply -f dotnet-demo.yaml
View the collected OTel telemetry data in the CloudWatch Application Signals service console
- Same as EKS Linux
- Launch Linux Workder Nodes
addon runs on pods on these Linux nodes- Specify
to be the public subnets created in the VPC CloudFormation stackeksctl create nodegroup --cluster <my-cluster-name> --name <my-linux-nodegroup-name> --node-type m5.large --nodes 3 --nodes-min 1 --nodes-max 4 --ssh-access --managed --region <region-code> --ssh-public-key <my-public-key-name> --subnet-ids subnet-ID1,subnet-ID2
- Add managed policy
to the node role
- Launch Windows Workder Nodes
- The sample application runs on pods on these Windows nodes
- Specify
to be the public subnets created in the VPC CloudFormation stackeksctl create nodegroup --cluster <my-cluster-name> --name <my-windows-nodegroup-name> --node-type m5.large --nodes 3 --nodes-min 1 --nodes-max 4 --managed --region <region-code> --node-ami-family WindowsServer2022FullContainer --subnet-ids subnet-ID1,subnet-ID2
- Follow EKS guidance to Enable Windows support
- Open Windows Server Firewall rules
- This is needed since Windows nodes using the CloudWatch Agent as a Host Process Container cannot enable Application Signals due to limitations in Kubernetes networking on Windows
- Log into each Windows node (using RDP tool, or Systems Manager Session Manager) and run PowerShell command
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="appsignals" dir=in action=allow localport=4316 protocol=tcp
- Same as EKS Linux
- Same as EKS Linux, replace
contents with
COPY out .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "integration-test-app.dll"]
- Create sample application configuration file
apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata: labels: windows name: dotnet-win --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: dotnet-demo-win namespace: dotnet-win spec: selector: matchLabels: app: dotnet-demo-win tier: backend track: stable replicas: 1 template: metadata: labels: app: dotnet-demo-win tier: backend track: stable annotations: "true" spec: containers: - name: dotnet-demo-win image: <aws-account-id>.dkr.ecr.<region-code> ports: - name: http containerPort: 8080 command: ["dotnet", "integration-test-app.dll"] imagePullPolicy: Always env: - name: AWS_REGION value: "us-east-1" - name: LISTEN_ADDRESS value: "" - name: ASPNETCORE_URLS value: "http://+:8080" nodeSelector: windows tolerations: - key: "os" operator: "Equal" value: "windows" effect: "NoSchedule"
- Run the sample applcation with .NET auto-instrumentation agent
kubectl apply -f dotnet-demo-windows.yaml