Connpass API library in Rust.
Install openssl through your favourite package. You might also need a C compiler (gcc).
# Ubuntu, Alpine
apt-get install libssl-dev pkg-config
# Arch Linux
pacman -S openssl
# Fedora, CentOS8
dnf install openssl-devel
# Amazon Linux
yum install openssl-devel
Put the following in your project's Cargo.toml file:
connpass = "0.1.0"
And overwrite in your project's file:
use connpass;
fn main() {
// Declare query params
let mut query_params = [("keyword", "Rust")];
// Get event information
let response = connpass::event::new().query(&mut query_params).get().expect("request error.");
// Print event information
let event = &response.body.unwrap().events[0];
println!("event title ... {}", event.title);
// output example:
// event title ... Rust入門者向けハンズオン
The event title is outputted when run build on the console.
cargo run --example get
Any PR is welcomed!