This data pipline will process the Netflix movie real-time rating data, visualize the movie rating trend, and provide a scalable distributed database for real-time query, with a datawarehouse for batching processing.
Tongzhou Zhou, Bin Shi, Albert, Anthony
Netflix Prize data
data-ingestion-sinking-layer: Kafka, Kafka Connect
data-transformation-layer: Kafka Streaming
data-storage-layer: AWS S3, Cassandra
data-visualization-layer: NodeJS
data-batch-processing-layer: Spark
cloud-infrastructure: AWS
Cassandra tables:
CREATE TABLE movie_rating_cs502 (
start_time timestamp,
rating float,
movie_id int,
count int,
movie_title text,
PRIMARY KEY (start_time, rating, movie_id)
CREATE TABLE bittiger.movie_cs502 (
movie_id int,
start_time timestamp,
count int,
movie_title text,
rating float,
PRIMARY KEY (movie_id, start_time)
(1)We are going to have a scalable distributed data pipeline for real-time data processing and sinking;
(2)We are going to provide a scalable distributed database for real-time query like:
a: Top 10 highest rating movie by a given month
b: Top 10 rated movie by a given month
c: Top rated month by a movie
(3)We are going to build a batch processing layer based on AWS S3 and Spark to forecast moive rating.
Weekly milestone:
Week1: Figure out project architecture, data source, determine the requirements and the functionalities to implement
Week2: Each team member starts implementing their own module
Week3: Each team member finishes their own module
Week4: Testing, report documenting
Detail Ownerships:
Tongzhou Zhou: Architecture design, implementation
Week 1: Set up Kafka Cluster, Cassandra Cluster in AWS (Done)
Week 2: Starts implement data transformation layer, Set up Kafka Connect to load data from Kafka Cluster to Cassandra Cluster (Done)
Week 3: Finish implementing data transformation layer: (30% Done)
(1) Aggregate the data into formats to support the Cassandra data schemas in (2)
(2) Configure Cassandra data schema to support:
a: Top 10 highest rating movie by a given month
b: Top 10 rated movie by a given month
c: Top rated month by a movie
Finish S3 set up for batch data sinking.
Week 4: Starts and finishes unit testing.
Bin Shi: Data ingestion using kafka; Use machine learning to predict the movie rating
Week 1: Produce data to kafka [done]
Send movie title data [done]
Send rating datea simulating the streaming [done]
Week 2: Add error/exception handling and more comments in the source code [done]
Week 3: Study the classification algorithm,and apply to Netflix dataset
Week 4: Adjust the ML model & Summarize this project
Albert: Data visualization
Week 1: Build database to store data.
Week 2: design analyst algorithm, optimize database if needed.
Week 3: Collaborate with Anthony to implement the backend for data visualization, and the front end to display data.
Week 4: Starts and finishes unit testing.
Anthony: Data visualization
Week 1: Determine the requirements to implement, get ready to fulfill the Nodejs module features; Data cleaning.(DONE)
Week 2: Setup backend for data visualization; simple front end to display data.(DONE)
Week 3: Finish implementing data visualization layer.
Week 4: Starts and finishes unit testing.