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/ producer-rss Public archive

Producer implementation sourcing the messages from the RSS updates


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  1. Overview
    1.1. Purpose
    1.2. Definitions
  2. Configuration
  3. Deployment
    3.1. Prerequisites
    3.2. Bare
    3.3. Docker
    3.4. K8s
       3.4.1. Helm
  4. Usage
  5. Design
    5.1. Requirements
    5.2. Approach
    5.3. Limitations
  6. Contributing
    6.1. Versioning
    6.2. Issue Reporting
    6.3. Building
    6.4. Testing
       6.4.1. Functional
       6.4.2. Performance
    6.5. Releasing

1. Overview

1.1. Purpose

The example Awakari Producer implementation that reads new items from RSS feeds and converts these to the cloud events for the further processing by the Awakari Core system.

1.2. Definitions

The component is RSS-specific messages producer. It works with RSS feeds and items. An RSS feed is a subject of periodic fetching to get new RSS items. RSS items are being converted to the Cloud Events.

2. Configuration

The service is configurable using the environment variables:

Variable Example value Description
API_WRITER_BACKOFF 10s Time to sleep before a retry when resolver fails to accept all messages
API_WRITER_BATCH_SIZE 64 Defines the max size of the messages batch to be flushed to the writer
API_WRITER_URI writer:50051 Writer dependency service URI
DB_URI mongodb://localhost:27017/?retryWrites=true&w=majority DB URI
DB_NAME producer-rss DB name
DB_USERNAME root DB authentication: user name
DB_PASSWORD ******** DB authentication: passwod
DB_TABLE_NAME feeds Table name for the feeds update timestamps
DB_TLS_ENABLED false Defines whether to use TLS to connect the DB. Should be true when cloud DB is used.
DB_TLS_INSECURE false Defines whether to skip the server TLS certificate check when TLS is used to connect the DB
LOG_LEVEL -4 Logging level
FEED_URL Feed URL to fetch and update
FEED_TLS_SKIP_VERIFY true Defines whether producer should skip the TLS certificate check when fetching the RSS feed
FEED_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MIN 10s Minimum possible feed update interval
FEED_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MAX 10m Maximum pssible feed update interval
FEED_UPDATE_TIMEOUT 1m Timeout to fetch the RSS feed
FEED_USER_AGENT awakari-producer-rss/0.0.1 HTTP user agent to use to fetch any RSS feed
MSG_MD_KEY_FEED_CATEGORIES feedcategories Cloud Event attribute name to use for the feed categories
MSG_MD_KEY_FEED_DESCRIPTION feeddescription Cloud Event attribute name to use for the feed description
MSG_MD_KEY_FEED_IMAGE_TITLE feedimagetitle Cloud Event attribute name to use for the feed image title
MSG_MD_KEY_FEED_IMAGE_URL feedimageurl Cloud Event attribute name to use for the feed image URL
MSG_MD_KEY_FEED_TITLE feedtitle Cloud Event attribute name to use for the feed title
MSG_MD_KEY_AUTHOR author Cloud Event attribute name to use for the RSS item author
MSG_MD_KEY_CATEGORIES categories Cloud Event attribute name to use for the RSS item categories
MSG_MD_KEY_IMAGE_TITLE imagetitle Cloud Event attribute name to use for the RSS item image title
MSG_MD_KEY_IMAGE_URL imageurl Cloud Event attribute name to use for the RSS item image URL
MSG_MD_KEY_TITLE title Cloud Event attribute name to use for the RSS item title
MSG_MD_KEY_LANGUAGE language Cloud Event attribute name to use for the RSS item language
MSG_MD_KEY_SUMMARY summary Cloud Event attribute name to use for the RSS item summary
MSG_CONTENT_TYPE text/plain Cloud Event attribute name to use for the message content type

The only command line argument is the path to the file that is used to load the list of the feed URLs. Example file is located at config/feed-urls.txt.

3. Deployment

3.1. Prerequisites

The Awakari Core system should be deployed. The producer uses the client-sdk-go to write events.

3.2. Bare


  1. Build patterns executive using make build
  2. Port-forward the writer service to local from a test cluster

Then run the command:

API_WRITER_URI=localhost:50051 \

3.3. K8s

Note the producer generally requires the custom network policy to be able to fetch the specified feeds. See the helm/producer-rss/templates/egress.yaml source file for the details.

Prepare the image pull secret:

kubectl create secret docker-registry github-registry \
  --docker-server \
  --docker-username=<GITHUB_USER_NAME> \ 
  --docker-password=<GITHUB_CR_PAT> \

3.3.1. Helm

Create a helm package from the sources:

helm package helm/producer-rss/

Install the helm chart:

helm install -n awakari producer-rss ./producer-rss-<CHART_VERSION>.tgz \
  --values helm/api/values-db-uri.yaml

where <CHART_VERSION> is the helm chart version

This deploys a set of predefined cronjobs, each per specific RSS feed.

4. Usage

The component is a job, so it doesn't serve any API.

5. Design

5.1. Requirements

# Summary Description
REQ-1 Produce Cloud Events From RSS items
REQ-2 Store the latest update time Per RSS feed
REQ-3 Use only new RSS items to produce the messages Best effort

5.2. Approach

To produce the messages based on the new RSS items only, it's necessary to save the latest timestamp between producer job runs. The state

5.2.1. Data Schema

Attribute Type Description
url String RSS feed URL, unique
ts Integer Last RSS feed update time, UTC

5.3. Limitations


6. Contributing

6.1. Versioning

The service uses the semantic versioning. The single source of the version info is the git tag:

git describe --tags --abbrev=0

6.2. Issue Reporting


6.3. Building

make build

Generates the sources from proto files, compiles and creates the producer-rss executable.

6.4. Testing

6.4.1. Functional

make test

6.4.2. Performance


6.5. Releasing

To release a new version (e.g. 1.2.3) it's enough to put a git tag:

git tag -v1.2.3
git push --tags

The corresponding CI job is started to build a docker image and push it with the specified tag (+latest).


Producer implementation sourcing the messages from the RSS updates







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