This command line tool can be used to sign AWS Signature Version 4 requests and make calls to various AWS APIs.
: 32-bit or 64-bitv3.1.11+
, tested up to PicoLispv20.6.29
, see test
: for using--native
functions with PicoLispv17.12+
for testing the libraryopenssl
for signing and hashing stringscurl
: for sending requests to the AWS APIs
The file libawscurl.l
can be included as a library, rather than using the command line awscurl.l
. Function are prefixed with awscurl-
and variables are prefixed with *Aws_
This library is now declared stable and should be suitable for use in production environments.
There is no validation on command line arguments. Be careful the input you provide. See issue #1
The following environment variables are used:
: Default:default
If any of those environment variables are not set, the values will be read from $HOME/.aws/credentials
using the [default]
- Call S3: List bucket content
./awscurl.l --service s3 --request PUT --data @myfile.json --header 'content-type' 'application/json' --host --region us-east-1 --endpoint '/bucket/myfile.json'
# NOTE: for files > 1KB, disable Expect header with: --header Expect ""
- Call EC2 (DescribeRegions):
./awscurl.l --query 'Action=DescribeRegions&Version=2013-10-15'
- Call EC2 (ImportKeyPair):
./awscurl.l --service ec2 --region ap-northeast-1 --host --query 'Action=ImportKeyPair&KeyName=my-key&Version=2016-11-15' --request POST --data 'PublicKeyMaterial=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'
- Call API Gateway:
./awscurl.l --service execute-api --data '{"test":"json"}' --host '<prefix>' --endpoint '/<resource>'
Usage: ./awscurl.l [options]
--help Show this help message and exit
--data <data> HTTP POST data (default: None)
--endpoint <endpoint> The API endpoint of the AWS service (default: /)
--header <key> <value> HTTP header data (default: None)
--host <host> The Host of the AWS service (default:
--native Use faster 'native' calls for hashing data (64-bit version only, default: False)
--output <file> Filename where data should be output (default: STDOUT)
--protocol http|https Protocol for talking to AWS (default: https)
--query <query> The Query parameters of the AWS service (default: None)
--region <region> AWS region (default: us-east-1)
--request <method> Specify request method to use (default: GET)
--service <service> AWS service (default: ec2)
--verbose Verbose flag (default: False)
If you find any bugs or issues, please create an issue.
If you want to improve this tool, please make a pull-request.
- This tool was heavily inspired by Python awscurl
- Thanks to Łukasz Adamczak for the wonderful article explaining the intricacies of AWS Signature Version 4 with simple curl/openssl/bash
Q: Why not use awscli
, boto
, awscurl
, Ansible
, Packer
, or one of many other available AWS SDKs?
A: Size. It seems every single tool in existence is incredibly bloated and contains too many dependencies, too many features, and too much complexity. I really just wanted to make a handful of EC2
calls from the command-line. This tool is slightly more flexible than what I needed, but it works without any external dependencies other than what's already deployed on most Linux systems. For comparison, Python awscurl
and its dependencies are ~18MB
, whereas this PicoLisp awscurl
is ~8KB
on disk.
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Alexander Williams, Unscramble