FBReader for Nokia Series 40 Full Touch (or briefly "FBReader") is a Java ME-application for reading e-books on devices that are based on the Series 40 Developer Platform 2.0 (Nokia Asha 305, Nokia Asha 306, Nokia Asha 308, Nokia Asha 309, Nokia Asha 310, Nokia Asha 311).
FBReader for Nokia Series 40 Full Touch created on the basis of the popular multi-platform free application FBReader,https://fbreader.org, distributed under the GNU GPL, http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html.
Ideologically FBReader for Nokia Series 40 Full Touch was created as a project that uses the principle of co-development (in contrast to the classical porting).
FBReader for Nokia Series 40 Full Touch is licensed under the Apache 2.0 open source license, http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html.
FBReader for Nokia Series 40 Full Touch supports popular e-book formats like ePub, fb2, html, plain text.
FBReader for Nokia Series 40 Full Touch provides access to popular networking libraries(in particular, ManyBooks.net and FeedBooks.com), which contain a large collection of free electronic books. Which can be downloaded directly from the FBReader App in the "my library" for further cataloging and reading.
FBReader for Nokia Series 40 Full Touch allows the user to configure various options, such as a folder for storing books, text options, view the status bar, the various modes of scrolling pages.
Application's user interface responsive to the movement and change of device orientation from
portrait to landscape (except to the read mode).
The current version of the user interface is implemented in English and Russian.
Main features of the FBReader:
2.1. Category "information" (Main view)
Brief information about the FBreader for S40FT App.
Options list:
- "about" - open "about" view
- "license" - open "license agreement" view
2.2. Category "my library" (Main view)
The screen shows a choice of books in the "my library":
- on authors of books;
- by tags (genre): adventure, novels, etc;
- the last book opened to read the user.
To book opened in the "my library", it should be placed in the appropriate folder, specified in the "settings". The folder should be located either in the device memory (inside the folder "received files") or in the memory card.
Options list:
- "help" - short help about "my library"
2.2.1. "authors" view
The screen shows the choice of the authors of the books. The list shows the name of the authors and their books. The author and his book was opened in the "authors", it should be placed in the appropriate folder, specified in the "settings". The folder should be located either in the device memory (inside the folder "received files") or in the memory card.
Options list:
- "help" - short help about "authors" view
2.2.2. "tags" view
The screen is a possibility to choose by genre (tags) books. In the listed genres (tags) and the name of the books. The genre (tags) and book is opened in "tags", it should be placed in the appropriate folder, specified in the "settings". The folder should be located either in the device memory (inside the folder "received files") or in the memory card.
Options list:
- "help" - short help about "tags" view
2.2.3. "recent books" view
The screen is a possibility to choose from a list of recently opened books. In the name lists of books and their authors. To display the last open book in the "recent books", it should be placed in appropriate folder specified in the "settings" and open for reading. If the book is not for reading opened, the list will be empty. The folder should be located either in the device memory (inside the folder "received files") or in the memory card.
Options list:
- "help" - short help about "recent books" view
2.2.4. "book info" view
The screen presents the possibility of access to information about the user-selected book. And the opening of the selected book to read with the "READ BOOK" button. All the books are opened for reading from "my library" are in the appropriate folder specified in the "settings". The folder should be located either in the main memory (inside the folder "received files"), or a memory card.
Options list:
- "help" - short help about "book info" view
2.2.5. "reading book" view
Screen provides a user-selected mode of reading the book.
While reading the book in the lower left corner of the screen displays the number of the chapter as #1.
At the bottom of the screen displays two indicators:
1) the indicator showing the number of pages read in the current chapter;
2) indicator showing the number of read chapters of the book.
Options list:
- "help" - short help about "book info" view;
- "content" - content (list of chapters) of the book. You can select any chapter of the book and the chapter will be opened for reading;
- "book info" - It seems the book's title, author (s), genres (tags), the language of the book (Russian, English);
- "day mode" or "night mode". When you select the "day mode", the background of the book - white, text font - Black, chapter titles bold font and gray. When "night mode", background books - black, text font - White, chapter titles bold font and gray;
2.3. Category "network library" (Main view)
In the category of "network library" is a free access to two popular internet library: ManyBooks.net ("manybooks catalog") and Feedbooks.com ("feedbooks catalog").
Network libraries provide the user the ability to work online with multiple categories to choose books of various genres, authors, most popular, etc. For information about the e-books in each category your phone must have a persistent connection to the Internet.
Options list:
- "help" - short help about "network library"
- "disclaimer" - disclaimer information
2.3.1. "manybooks" view
The network library "manybooks catalog" contains a directory of free e-books presented in the internet library ManyBooks.net. The FBReader application for Nokia Series 40 Full Touch implemented two categories of internet library ManyBooks.net: "all new titles" and "new titles by category". For information about the books in each category your phone must have a permanent connection to the Internet. Category "all new titles" contains a list of all the new books from the online library Manybooks.net. Category "new titles by category" contains a list of categories (tags or genres), each of which opens a list of books that are appropriate to each category. After selecting the user is a book to get information about this book and download it from the network library in the folder "my library", set in the settings.After a successful download of the book (in the format ePub), the user is prompted to go to the "my library" to open a downloaded book in the reading mode.
Options list:
- "help" - short help about "manybooks" view
2.3.2. "feedbooks" view
The network library "feedbooks catalog" contains a directory of free e-books presented in the internet library Feedbooks.com. The FBReader application for Nokia Series 40 Full Touch implemented two categories of internet library Feedbooks.com: "public domain books" (books in the public domain) and the "original books". Category of "public domain books" contains three subcategories ("most popular", "recently added", "categories"). Category of "public domain books" includes the popular and well-known books of world literature. Category of "original books" contains five subcategories ("new & popular", "recently added", "currently popular", "all-time most popular", "categories". Category "original books" includes books that are added by the authors in the internet library feedbooks.com own. For information about the books in each category your phone must have a permanent connection to the Internet . Once the user is selecting a book chance to get information about this book and download it from the network library in the folder "my library", specified in the "settings". Loading process of the book can be terminated by the user at any time by pressing the "CANCEL" in the dialog box informing you during the boot process. After a successful download of the book (in the format ePub), the user is prompted to go to the "my library" to open a downloaded book in the reading mode.
Options list:
- "help" - short help about "feedbooks" view
2.3.3. "book info" view
The screen presents the possibility of access to information about the user-selected book and download books from the network library. If the process of downloading books from the library network user for some reason are not satisfied, the user can stop the process "CANCEL" action button. After a successful download of the book in the "my library", the user is invited to go to the "my library" to open a downloaded book in the reading mode. To book downloaded opened in "my library", it should be placed in the appropriate folder specified in the "settings". The folder should be located either in the main memory (inside the folder "received files"), or a memory card.
Options list:
- "help" - short help about "book info" view
2.4. Category "settings" (Main view)
The screen displays a list of settings: a folder for storing books, text options, display the status bar, scroll modes. If you select a folder to store the settings of books available to the user name to the folder and place of its creation and storage of books (in the main memory or on a memory card, provided that it is installed). If you select text options in read books available to the user font size and setting margins. If you select the status bar while reading the book available to the user mode display or hide the numbering of chapters. When set to scroll options in reading mode user can choose a horizontal or vertical scrolling of text books, as well as setting gestures for page turning.
Options list:
- "help" - short help about "settings"
2.4.1. "folder for storing books" view
If you select a folder to store the settings of books available to the user the possibility of entering the folder name and location for its creation and storage of books (in the main memory or on a memory card, provided that it is installed). To enter the name of the folder to store books a text field. By default, this folder is called "books". The user can change this folder name on your own. The folder name can not contain invalid characters.
All the settings that were selected and saved by the user, are used in the further work FBReader.
Options list:
- "help" - short help about "folder for storing books" view
2.4.2. "text" view
The screen displays the settings for:
- font size (available to choose from small, medium, large)
- the size of the width of the margins can be selected from a range of values from 0 to 3.
All the settings that were selected and saved by the user, are used in the further work FBReader.
Options list:
- "help" - short help about "text" view
2.4.3. "status bar" view
The screen displays the parameters to configure the display of items in the status bar while reading the book. If you select the status bar while reading the book available to the user mode display or hide the numbering of chapters.
All the settings that were selected and saved by the user, are used in the further work FBReader.
Options list:
- "help" - short help about "status bar" view
2.4.4. "scrolling" view
The screen displays the parameters for setting modes scrolling text in reading mode. When set to scroll options in reading mode user can choose a horizontal or vertical scrolling of text books, as well as setting gestures for page turning.
All the settings that were selected and saved by the user, are used in the further work FBReader.
Options list:
- "help" - short help about "scrolling" view
The application is developed for devices that are based on the Series 40 Developer Platform 2.0 (Nokia Asha 305, Nokia Asha 306, Nokia Asha 308, Nokia Asha 309 , Nokia Asha 310, Nokia Asha 311).
Tested on Nokia Asha 305, 310, 311.
The application is developed using Netbeans 7.3.1 and Nokia SDK 2.0 for Java.
Device Configuration: CLDC 1.1
Device Profile: MIDP 2.0
Optional Packages: Nokia User Interface 1.6
Web Services Java API for XML Processing (JAXP), XML-RPC API 1.0 of the J2ME Web Services Specification 1.1
5.1. On the device.
Install the application on the device family Series 40 Full Touch runs
by transferring the compiled *.jar-file by Bluetooth or via USB-cable.
After the final publication of the application it can be downloaded from Nokia Store.
5.2. The emulator.
To run the application on a device emulator Nokia Asha 305, which is part of Nokia SDK 2.0 for Java,
you must run the "File->Open" and open the compiled *.jar-file.
Rotate the device from vertical to horizontal position can be simulated by using the commands: "Tools-> Switch to Landscape" "Tools-> Switch to Portrait".
Version 1.0 first release for publication in Nokia Store.