A Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) is a triplet (X, D, C) where X is a set of variables X1, ...,Xn.
D is a set of domains D1, ...,Dn, where each variable Xi is assigned with values from domain Di.
And C is a set of constraints C1(S1), ..., Cm(Sm), where each Si is a set of variables on which Ci defines a constraint.
A state of Constraint Satisfaction Problem instance is defined by an assignment of values to some or all of its variables.
A complete assignment is a state in which every variable is assigned with a value from its domain.
A partial assignment is a state in which some variables are assigned and some are not.
A consistent assignment is a state in which the assigned variables do not violate any constraints.
A complete consistent assignment is a solution to a Constraint Satisfaction Problem instance.
A constraint graph (could be a hypergraph) is a graph in which the nodes correspond to varaibles
and the edges correspond to constraints, i.e. V = X and E = C.
- backtracking search (with or without forward checking). Could be used to find a single solution or all solutions.
- heuristic backtracking search: defaults to Minimum Remaining Values for choosing next unassigned variable,
with Degree heuristic as tie breaker. Defaults to Least Constraining Value for domain sorting of chosen unassigned variable.
Allows users to define, pick and choose custom heuristics. Can be used with or without forward checking.
Could be used to find a single solution or all solutions. - min conflicts (with or without tabu search).
- constraints weighting.
- tree csp solver: an algorithm that can solve tree-structured constraint satisfaction problems.
- cycle cutset: a naive cutset conditioning solver. See source code for exhaustive description.
- simulated annealing.
- random-restart first-choice hill climbing.
- genetic local search.
- Arc Consistency 3 (AC3). Could be given as an argument to both backtracking algorithms and thus implement
Maintaining Arc Consistency (MAC). - Arc Consistency 4 (AC4).
- Path Consistency 2 (PC2).
- i-consistency.
Problem: find all triples (x, y, z) such that x2 + y2 = z2 and x < y < z and max{x, y, z} < 21.
Variables: x, y, z ∈ {1, 2, 3, ..., 20}
Domains: each variable's domain is (1, 2, 3, ..., 20)
- x2 + y2 == z2
- x < y < z
Code implementation:
import csp
x = csp.Variable(range(1, 21))
y = csp.Variable(range(1, 21))
z = csp.Variable(range(1, 21))
pythagorean_triple_constraint = csp.Constraint((x, y, z), lambda values: values[0] ** 2 + values[1] ** 2 ==
values[2] ** 2 if len(values) == 3 else True)
total_order_constraint = csp.Constraint((x, y, z), lambda values: values[0] < values[1] < values[2]
if len(values) == 3 else True)
pythagorean_triples_problem = csp.ConstraintProblem((pythagorean_triple_constraint, total_order_constraint))
for solution_assignment in csp.heuristic_backtracking_search(pythagorean_triples_problem, find_all_solutions=True):
print("x:", x.value)
print("y:", y.value)
print("z:", z.value)
# x: 3
# y: 4
# z: 5
# x: 5
# y: 12
# z: 13
# x: 6
# y: 8
# z: 10
# x: 8
# y: 15
# z: 17
# x: 9
# y: 12
# z: 15
# x: 12
# y: 16
# z: 20
Problem: fill up an n x n square with distinct positive integers in the range (1, ..., n x n) such that each cell
contains a different integer and the sum of the integers in each row, column, and diagonal is equal.
-- Define magic sum to be n * ((n * n + 1) / 2).
Variables: squares on the board.
Domains: each variable's domain is (1, ..., n x n).
- Each variable must be have a unique value.
- The values of all rows sum up to magic sum.
- The values of all columns sum up to magic sum.
- The values of both diagonals sum up to magic sum.
Code implementation:
import csp
n = 3
order = n**2
magic_sum = n * int((order + 1) / 2)
name_to_variable_map = {square: csp.Variable(range(1, order + 1)) for square in range(1, order + 1)}
constraints = set()
# each variable must have a unique value
constraints.add(csp.Constraint(name_to_variable_map.values(), csp.all_diff_constraint_evaluator))
exact_length_magic_sum = csp.ExactLengthExactSum(n, magic_sum) # returns True iff n variables sum up to magic_sum
# row constraints
for row in range(1, order + 1, n):
constraints.add(csp.Constraint((name_to_variable_map[i] for i in range(row, row + n)),
# column constraints
for column in range(1, n + 1):
constraints.add(csp.Constraint((name_to_variable_map[i] for i in range(column, order + 1, n)),
# diagonals constraints
constraints.add(csp.Constraint((name_to_variable_map[diag] for diag in range(1, order + 1, n + 1)),
constraints.add(csp.Constraint((name_to_variable_map[diag] for diag in range(n, order, n - 1)),
magic_square_problem = csp.ConstraintProblem(constraints)
for name, variable in name_to_variable_map.items():
print(name, ":", variable.value)
# 1 : 8
# 2 : 1
# 3 : 6
# 4 : 3
# 5 : 5
# 6 : 7
# 7 : 4
# 8 : 9
# 9 : 2
# to find all solutions use:
# for solution_assignment in csp.heuristic_backtracking_search(magic_square_problem, find_all_solutions=True):
# for name, variable in name_to_variable_map.items():
# print(name, ":", variable.value)
# print()
# see 'magic_square.py' under 'examples' directory for results.
Problem: place n queens on an n x n chessboard so that no two queens threaten each other.
Variables: columns of the board.
Domain: the row each queen could be placed inside a column, i.e. each variable's domain is (1, ..., n).
- The queens don't attack each other vertically.
- The queens don't attack each other horizontally.
- The queens don't attack each other diagonally.
Code implementation:
import csp
n = 8
name_to_variable_map = {col: csp.Variable(range(n)) for col in range(n)}
def get_not_attacking_constraint(columns_difference: int) -> csp.ConstraintEvaluator:
def not_attacking_constraint(values: tuple) -> bool:
if len(values) < 2:
return True
row1, row2 = values
return row1 != row2 and abs(row1 - row2) != columns_difference
return not_attacking_constraint
not_attacking_constraints = dict()
for i in range(1, n):
not_attacking_constraints[i] = get_not_attacking_constraint(i)
constraints = set()
for col1 in range(n):
for col2 in range(n):
if col1 < col2:
constraints.add(csp.Constraint((name_to_variable_map[col1], name_to_variable_map[col2]),
not_attacking_constraints[abs(col1 - col2)]))
n_queens_problem = csp.ConstraintProblem(constraints)
csp.min_conflicts(n_queens_problem, 1000)
if n_queens_problem.is_completely_consistently_assigned():
for name, variable in name_to_variable_map.items():
print(name, ":", variable.value)
# 0 : 4
# 1 : 6
# 2 : 0
# 3 : 3
# 4 : 1
# 5 : 7
# 6 : 5
# 7 : 2
Examples which can be found under the 'examples' directory include:
- Graph coloring.
- Job scheduling.
- Verbal arithmetic.
- Magic Square.
- Einstein's five houses riddle.
- n-Queens.
- Sudoku.