This repository contains my implementation of the projects in HarvardX's Intro to AI course.
Project Name | Unit | Description |
degrees |
Search | An implementation of the "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" using the breadth-first search algorithm |
tictactoe |
Search | Tictactoe game against an AI using adversarial minimax search (not working yet) |
knights |
Knowledge | Puzzle solver using propositional inference logic |
minesweeper |
Knowledge | Minesweeper AI using propositional logic to made educated guesses |
pagerank |
Uncertainty | Pagerank algorithm using conditional probability and repeated sampling |
heredity |
Uncertainty | Gene heredity model using joint probability and a Bayesian network |
crossword |
Optimization | Uses backtracking and the AC3 algorithm to fill out crossword puzzles given a set of words |
shopping |
Learning | KNearestNeighbors-based machine learning algo to determine whether customers are likely to return to an ecommerce site |
nim |
Learning | Nim AI that learns using training games based on Q learning |
traffic |
Neural Networks | Neural network AI that identifies traffic signs from the GTSRB database |
parser |
Language | An AI that parses sentences and extracts noun phrases |
questions |
Language | An AI that answers user querries using tf-idf of a loaded corpus |