ChordChecker now able to detect whether user is on a phone or computer, will be able to not only provide more user-friendly experience on mobile, but also will be able to add mobile-exlusive functionalities.
Bugs fixed:
- Can now easily record on iPhone Safari browser by enabling Javascript in Settings
- Learn page modified to be more user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing
- Home page modified slightly for above reason
- First run through the program works fine most of the time, after re-recording and re-checking though, server issues occur and the file seemingly returns multiple outputs. This needs to be fixed.
- Sometimes, call to fails and produces an error. ([Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (INTERNAL SERVER ERROR) (file-upload, line 0)) Occurs when there is an error within the code. Bugs Fixed:
- Grammar in output fixed
- Quotation marks around notes that were not played removed