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Magic enums for C++20.


For each key x, there's a unique atom of the form "x"_a. Atoms can be stored in objects of type atom<...>, where the set of representable atoms is specified through template arguments.

#include <avakar/atom.h>
using namespace avakar;

using bw_t = atom<"black"_a, "white"_a>;

bw_t x = "black"_a;  // ok
x = "white"_a;       // ok
x = "pink"_a;        // error

Yes, atoms are enums with extra steps.


You can convert an atom to a string via atom::to_string().

x = "black"_a;
assert(x.to_string() == "black");

Conversely, to convert a string to an atom, use the static function atom::from_string(). The function returns std::optional containing the corresponding atom, or nullopt if the atom is not in the type.

assert(bw_t::from_string("black") == "black"_a);
assert(bw_t::from_string("pink") == std::nullopt);


You can access the list of keys of an atom type with atom::keys. The static member is a sorted array of string_view.

assert(bw_t::keys.size() == 2);
assert(bw_t::keys[0] == "black"sv);
assert(bw_t::keys[1] == "white"sv);

To enumerate atoms instead of keys, call atom::iota(). It returns a view (as in ranges::view) of the type's atoms (in the sorted order).

for (bw_t a: bw_t::iota())
    assert(a == "black"_a || a == "white"_a);


You can assign an atom type to another as long as the set of atoms in the former is a superset of the atoms in the latter. In the following example, bw_t can be assigned to color_t.

using color_t = atom<"black"_a, "white"_a, "red"_a, "green"_a, "blue"_a>;

bw_t bw = "black"_a;
color_t color = bw;

Inverse assignment, bw = color; is not allowed. You can use atom::to() to attempt the conversion anyway, the function returns nullopt if the atom cannot be represented in the target type.

color = "green"_a;
assert(<bw_t>() == std::nullopt);

color = "white"_a;
assert(<bw_t>() == "white"_a);

If you only want to check for nullopt, you can instead use atom::is().

color = "white"_a;

Large atom types

Instead of specifying all atoms in the template argument list, you can instead pass a pointer to an array of strings.

constexpr char const * cga_keys[] = {
    "black", "blue", "green", "cyan",
    "red", "magenta", "brown", "light gray",
    "dark gray", "light blue", "light green", "light cyan",
    "light red", "light magenta", "yellow", "white",

using cga_t = atom<&cga_keys>;

You can combine atoms and pointers to string arrays arbitrarily.

using grayscale_t = atom<&bw_t::keys, "light gray"_a, "dark gray"_a>;
static_assert(grayscale_t::keys.size() == 4);

CMake integration

Add the library as a submodule of yours and include it via FetchContent.

FetchContent_Declare(avakar.atom SOURCE_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/deps/atom")

Then, link to avakar::atom target.

target_link_dependency(my_target PUBLIC avakar::atom)


Objects of atom type contain a single integer. To see the associated string in the debugger, you have to refer to the keys string list associated with the type. E.g. to examine an object x of atom type, you should ask the debugger for x.keys[x._v].

For Visual Studio debugger, a .natvis file is part of this package. If you link against the CMake target, the .natvis file will be automatically linked to your executable.

When specifying the atoms directly in the template argument list, the length of the name of the class symbol will soon get out of hand, ultimately resulting in truncations and debugging issues. It is highly recommended that lists containing more than a couple of atoms instead be put in a string array.


Magic enums with extra steps








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