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Logback encoder that log events as json (similar to Logstash).



Example with component and environment:



Standard Fields

  • timestamp
  • level
  • logger
  • message
  • thread
  • stacktrace

MDC Fields

MDC key/values are included in logged events.

Custom Fields

Extra Custom fields can be declared in JSON form, these are added to all logged events.

Extra recommended Fields

  • component - Use to define the "component" (approximately application or a specific component of an application)
  • env - Use to define the "environment" such as dev, test, prod etc

These default by reading System Environment variables COMPONENT and ENVIRONMENT respectively and can also be explicitly set via configuration.

How to use

1 - Add dependency

For Java 11+ and Logback 1.2.x+ use version 1.0 of the dependency:


For Java 8 and Logback 1.1.x use version 1.0-java8 of the dependency.


2 - Use the Encoder in logback.xml

In logback.xml specify JsonEncoder as the encoder like:

<appender name="app" class="your.appender.class">
  <encoder class="io.avaje.logback.encoder.JsonEncoder"/>

Optionally, configure with component and environment like:

<appender name="app" class="your.appender.class">
  <encoder class="io.avaje.logback.encoder.JsonEncoder">
    <component>my-component</component> <!-- OPTIONAL -->
    <enviroment>dev</enviroment>        <!-- OPTIONAL -->

Optionally specify custom fields that will appear in every LoggingEvent like:

<encoder class="io.avaje.logback.encoder.JsonEncoder">

AWS Lambda / StdOutAppender

For AWS Lambda log events are written to System.out and so this also provides an appender that defaults to using JsonEncoder to write log events to System.out. We can specify to use that appender like:

<!-- Defaults to using the JsonEncoder -->
<appender class="io.avaje.logback.encoder.StdOutAppender"/>

Or with configuration options for component and environment like:

<appender class="io.avaje.logback.encoder.StdOutAppender">

Or with an encoder (potentially a different encoder):

<appender class="io.avaje.logback.encoder.StdOutAppender">
  <encoder class="io.avaje.logback.encoder.JsonEncoder">
    <customFields>{"appname":"myWebservice","buildinfo":42, "roles":["customerorder","auth"],"f":true}</customFields>

Java modules

To ensure jlink correctly determines the runtime modules required, add the following to your

module my.module {
  requires io.avaje.logback.encoder;

Customizing Timestamp

By default, timestamps are written as string values in the format specified by DateTimeFormatter.ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME (e.g. 2019-11-03T10:15:30.123+01:00), in the default TimeZone of the host Java platform.

You can change the pattern like this:

<encoder class="io.avaje.logback.encoder.JsonEncoder">

The value of the timestampPattern can be any of the following:

  • constant - (e.g. ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME) timestamp written using the given DateTimeFormatter constant
  • any other value - (e.g. yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS) timestamp written using a DateTimeFormatter created from the given pattern

The formatter uses the default TimeZone of the host Java platform by default. You can change it like this:

<encoder class="io.avaje.logback.encoder.JsonEncoder">

The value of the timeZone element can be any string accepted by java's TimeZone.getTimeZone(String id) method. For example America/Los_Angeles, GMT+10 or UTC. Use the special value [DEFAULT] to use the default TimeZone of the system.