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This is a PHP library for Authlete Web APIs.

Authlete is a cloud service that provides an implementation of OAuth 2.0 & OpenID Connect. By using the Web APIs provided by Authlete, you can develop a DB-less authorization server and/or OpenID provider. "DB-less" here means that you don't have to manage a database server that stores authorization data (e.g. access tokens), settings of authorization servers and settings of client applications. These data are stored in the Authlete server on cloud.

Please read New Architecture of OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect Implementation for details about the architecture of Authlete. True engineers will love the architecture ;-)

The primary advantage of this architecture is in that the backend service can focus on implementing OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect without caring about other components such as identity management, user authentication, login session management, API management and fraud detection. And, consequently, it leads to another major advantage which enables the backend service (implementation of OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect) to be combined with any solution of other components and thus gives flexibility to frontend server implementations.


Apache License, Version 2.0


"require" : {
    "authlete/authlete" : "{version}"


Source Code (authlete-php)

API Reference (authlete-php)

API Reference (Authlete)


How To Get AuthleteApi

All the methods to communicate with Authlete Web APIs are gathered in AuthleteApi interface. Currently, AuthleteApiImpl class is the only class that implements the interface.

The constructor of AuthleteApiImpl class requires an implementation of AuthleteConfiguration interface. Once you prepare an implementation of AuthleteConfiguration interface, you can create an AuthleteApi instance as follows.

// Prepare configuration to access Authlete Web APIs.
$conf = ...;

// Create an instance that implements AuthleteApi.
$api = new AuthleteApiImpl($conf);

AuthleteConfiguration is an interface that holds configuration values to access Authlete Web APIs such as the URL of an Authlete server and API credentials of a service. To be concrete, the interface has the following methods.

Method Description
getBaseUrl() URL of an Authlete server
getServiceApiKey() API key of a service
getServiceApiSecret() API secret of a service
getServiceOwnerApiKey() API key of your account
getServiceOwnerApiSecret() API secret of your account

authlete-php includes three implementations of AuthleteConfiguration interface as listed below.

Class Description
AuthleteEnvConfiguration Configuration by environment variables
AuthleteIniConfiguration Configuration by an ini file
AuthleteSimpleConfiguration Configuration by C# properties


Among the three implementations of AuthleteConfiguration interface, this section explains AuthleteIniConfiguration class.

AuthleteIniConfiguration class provides a mechanism to use an ini file to set configuration values to access Authlete Web APIs. The format of the ini file given to AuthleteIniConfiguration must be able to be parsed by parse_ini_file() function.

The constructor of AuthleteIniConfiguration class has an optional argument, $file, which is a name of an ini file. If the argument is omitted, the constructor checks the value of the environment variable, AUTHLETE_CONFIGURATION_FILE, and if the environment variable holds a non-empty value, it is regarded as a name of an ini file. If a name of an ini file is not available, the constructor assumes authlete.ini.

The following examples show the usage of the constructor.

// (1) Constructor with no argument. This tries to read a file
//     named "authlete.ini". The environment variable,
//     AUTHLETE_CONFIGURATION_FILE, can be used to specify
//     another different file name.
$conf = new AuthleteIniConfiguration();

// (2) Constructor with the name of a configuration file.
$conf = new AuthleteIniConfiguration("authlete.ini");

AuthleteIniConfiguration class expects entries in the table below to be found in the given configuration file.

Property Key Description
base_url URL of an Authlete server
service.api_key API key of a service
service.api_secret API secret of a service
service_owner.api_key API key of your account
service_owner.api_secret API secret of your account

Below is an example of a configuration file.

base_url                 =
service_owner.api_key    = 1532787510
service_owner.api_secret = 9Y0ZARGatedJRhsYLNfiK_aKQIBCug2O3JQU6srZrpk
service.api_key          = 9463955934
service.api_secret       = AAw0rner_wjRCpk-y1A6J9s20Bvez3GxEBoL9jOJVR0

AuthleteApi Settings

getSettings() method of AuthleteApi returns an instance of Settings interface whereby you can adjust the behaviors of the implementation of AuthleteApi interface.

// Get an implementation of AuthleteApi interface.
$api = ...;

// Get the instance which holds settings of the implementation.
$settings = $api->getSettings();

// Set a connection timeout in seconds.

// Set a proxy.

AuthleteApi Method Categories

Methods in the AuthleteApi interface can be divided into some categories.

  1. Methods for Authorization Endpoint Implementation
- `authorization(AuthorizationRequest $request)`
- `authorizationFail(AuthorizationFailRequest $request)`
- `authorizationIssue(AuthorizationIssueRequest $request)`
  1. Methods for Token Endpoint Implementation
- `token(TokenRequest $request)`
- `tokenFail(TokenFailRequest $request)`
- `tokenIssue(TokenIssueRequest $request)`
  1. Methods for Service Management
- `createService(Service $service)`
- `deleteService($serviceApiKey)`
- `getService($serviceApiKey)`
- `getServiceList()`
- `getServiceList($start = 0, $end = 5)`
- `updateService(Service $service)`
  1. Methods for Client Application Management
- `createClient(Client $client)`
- `deleteClient($clientId)`
- `getClient($clientId)`
- `getClientList($developer = null, $start = 0, $end = 5)`
- `updateClient(Client $client)`
- `refreshClientSecret($clientId)`
- `updateClientSecret($clientId, $clientSecret)`
  1. Methods for Access Token Introspection
- `introspection(IntrospectionRequest $request)`
- `standardIntrospection(StandardIntrospectionRequest $request)`
  1. Methods for Revocation Endpoint Implementation
- `revocation(RevocationRequest $request)`
  1. Methods for User Info Endpoint Implementation
- `userinfo(UserInfoRequest $request)`
- `userinfoIssue(UserInfoIssueRequest $request)`
  1. Methods for JWK Set Endpoint Implementation
- `getServiceJwks($pretty = false, $includePrivateKeys = false)`
  1. Methods for OpenID Connect Discovery
- `getServiceConfiguration($pretty = true)`
  1. Methods for Token Operations
- `tokenCreate(TokenCreateRequest $request)`
- `tokenDelete($token)`
- `tokenUpdate(TokenUpdateRequest $request)`
  1. Methods for Records of Granted Scopes
- `getGrantedScopes($clientId, $subject)`
- `deleteGrantedScopes($clientId, $subject)`
  1. Methods for Authorization Management on a User-Client Combination Basis
- `deleteClientAuthorization($clientId, $subject)`
- `getClientAuthorizationList(ClientAuthorizationGetListRequest $request)`
- `updateClientAuthorization($clientId, ClientAuthorizationUpdateRequest $request)`
  1. Methods for CIBA (Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication)
- `backchannelAuthentication(BackchannelAuthenticationRequest $request)`
- `backchannelAuthenticationIssue(BackchannelAuthenticationIssueRequest $request)`
- `backchannelAuthenticationFail(BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest $request)`
- `backchannelAuthenticationComplete(BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest $request)`
  1. Methods for Device Flow (RFC 8628)
- `deviceAuthorization(DeviceAuthorizationRequest $request)`
- `deviceVerification(DeviceVerificationRequest $request)`
- `deviceComplete(DeviceCompleteRequest $request)`
  1. Methods for PAR (Pushed Authorization Requests)
- `pushAuthorizationRequest(PushedAuthReqRequest $request)`


The following code snippet is an example to get the list of your services. Each service corresponds to an authorization server.

// Prepare configuration to access Authlete APIs.
// AuthleteSimpleConfiguration is used here as one
// implementation of AuthleteConfiguration interface.
// As described above, there are other implementations
// such as AuthleteIniConfiguraiton.
$conf = new AuthleteSimpleConfiguration();

// Get an implementation of AuthleteApi interface.
// Currently, AuthleteApiImpl is the only class that
// implements the AuthleteApi interface.
$api = new AuthleteApiImpl($conf);

// Get the list of services. getServiceList() method
// returns an instance of ServiceListResponse class.
$response = $api->getServiceList();

// Array of Service instances.
$services = $response->getServices();

How To Test

1. Unit Tests

$ vendor/bin/phpunit tests

2. Compatibility Check

$ PHPCMD={path-to-php54}
    # e.g. PHPCMD=/usr/local/Cellar/php54/5.4.45_7/bin/php

$ find src -name '*.php' -exec $PHPCMD -l '{}' \;

How To Release

1. Update Documents

Update and Update and, too, if necessary.

2. Update User-Agent

Update the value of the $USER_AGENT variable in AuthleteApiImpl.php.

3. Update Version

Packagist (which this library is registered into) refers to git tags. To utilize the mechanism, create a new tag for a new version. See Versions and constraints for details.

$ git tag X.Y.Z
$ git push origin X.Y.Z

4. Publish Library

If GitHub Service Hook is working correctly, changes are automatically detected by Packagist.

5. Update API Reference

The following command updates documents under docs folder.

$ rm -rf docs
$ phpdoc

6. Publish API Reference

$ git add docs
$ git commit -m 'Updated API reference for version X.Y.Z.'
$ git push

See Configuring a publishing source for GitHub Pages for details.


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