Hello, I'm Austin Vazquez. I'm a software developer in Seattle, Washington primarily focused on container runtimes at AWS. I wear many hats including son, brother, uncle, mentee, scientist, developer, mentor, project manager (not my strongest role but I'm working on it), and maintainer just to name a few of my favorites.
Like many my interest in containers started way back in 2015 as a Docker user. At the time, I was a co-op student working at Adtran and was fortunate enough to stumble upon a group of developers/mentors with a vision for reachitecting developer experience at the company. I got to experience first hand going from building monolithic proprietary OS-based products in a locked down virtual machine to building microserviced debian flavored packages in containers. The difference was night and day, and I was hooked to say the least.
Fast-forward almost 10 years later. I am now a maintainer of a couple of the components which made up the container runtime stack I had used to run my first container. i.e. moby engine and containerd.