Task Tracking Application : -
Built a task tracking application for managing tasks and implemented CRUD operations to create, view, update, and delete tasks for the users.
○ Created a new Spring Boot project using Spring Initializr using Java 21 and maven.
○ Included dependencies for Spring Web, Spring Security, Spring Data JPA, and MySQL Driver. -
Database Setup:
○ Created a Mysql database - tasktracker_db.
○ Created tables for user authentication (e.g., users, authorities).
○ Created Table to store task data such as task name, description, due date, and status. -
Entity and Repository:
○ Created entity classes to represent domain entities.
○ Implemented repository interfaces to perform CRUD operations. -
○ Developed RESTful APIs to perform CRUD operations on domain entities.
○ Implemented authentication and authorization mechanisms to secure the APIs using Spring Security. -
○ Added unit tests to ensure the correctness of CRUD operations and security features.
○ Used tools like JUnit, Mockito, and Spring Security testing support for testing. -
○ Provided clear documentation on set up and running the Spring Boot application.
○ Included instructions on user registration, authentication, and accessing secured APIs.
○ Cron job scheduled daily at 12:01 AM to check Due Date for all the tasks and set Status to "DUE" if the task is due.
/user/register - For Adding User - ADMIN
Body -
"enabled": true,
"authorities": ["ADMIN"]
/user/register - For Adding User - USER
N.B - If no authority is given on registration - given USER access by default
Body -
"enabled": true,
"authorities": ["USER"]
/user/login - For logging into useraccount
Throws ApiRequestException on bad credentials login
Body -
Create Task - POST http://localhost:8080/tasks/create
ADMIN authorised i.e, only ADMIN can create tasks.
Body -
"username": "jane13",
"task": "Interview5",
"description": "Do Interview",
"dueDate": "2024-05-26",
N.B - Due date must be past the current date or throws TaskCreationException.
Without status in body, it will set status by default as "IN_PROGRESS".
Also No same user can have the same taskname, however different users can have the same task name.
Update Task - PUT http://localhost:8080/tasks/update
ADMIN authorised i.e, only ADMIN can update task details.
N.B - Since update is based on taskname and not task_id,
DO NOT CHANGE username and task values while updating task.
"username": "jane13",
"task": "Interview1",
"description": "Do Interview 1",
"dueDate": "2024-05-27",
"status": "EXTENDED"
View All Tasks - GET http://localhost:8080/tasks/viewAll
To view all tasks created by all users - ADMIN authorised
curl -i -X GET \
-H "Authorization:Basic YXVzdGluMTQ6MTIzNA==" \
View All Tasks by specific User - GET - http://localhost:8080/tasks/view/user/{username}
To view the tasks based on the username given - All users are authorised but authentication is checked i,e all users in database can access.
N.B - The user(authority USER) can view their tasks by their username. If the user is trying to access tasks of any other users, it will throw a TaskRetrievalException.
Only the ADMIN can access tasks of other users.
curl -i -X GET \
-H "Authorization:Basic YXVzdGluMTQ6MTIzNA==" \
View Task Details by Taskname - GET http://localhost:8080/tasks/viewOne/{taskname}
Get Task details by taskname - Gives all task details from all users having the same taskname
curl -i -X GET \
-H "Authorization:Basic YXVzdGluMTQ6MTIzNA==" \
Delete Task by task_Id - DELETE http://localhost:8080/tasks/delete/{taskid}
curl -i -X DELETE \
-H "Authorization:Basic YXVzdGluMTQ6MTIzNA==" \
Register - ADMIN
curl -i -X POST \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-d \
' {
"authorities": ["ADMIN"]
}' \
Register - USER
curl -i -X POST \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-d \
' {
"authorities": ["USER"]
}' \
curl -i -X POST \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-d \
' {
}' \
Create Task
curl -i -X POST \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-H "Authorization:Basic YXVzdGluMTQ6MTIzNA==" \
-d \
"username": "jane13",
"task": "Interview5",
"description": "Do Interview",
"dueDate": "2024-05-26"
}' \
Update Task
curl -i -X PUT \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-H "Authorization:Basic YXVzdGluMTQ6MTIzNA==" \
-d \
"username": "jane13",
"task": "Interview1",
"description": "Do Interview 1",
"dueDate": "2024-05-27",
"status": "DUE"
}' \
View All Tasks
curl -i -X GET \
-H "Authorization:Basic YXVzdGluMTQ6MTIzNA==" \
View All Tasks By Username
curl -i -X GET \
-H "Authorization:Basic YXVzdGluMTQ6MTIzNA==" \
View Task Details by Taskname
curl -i -X GET \
-H "Authorization:Basic YXVzdGluMTQ6MTIzNA==" \
Delete Task by ID
curl -i -X DELETE \
-H "Authorization:Basic YXVzdGluMTQ6MTIzNA==" \