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Task Tracking Application : - Build a task tracking application for managing tasks and assignments. - Implement CRUD operations to create, view, update, and delete tasks. - Use PostgreSQL to store task data such as task name, description, due date, and status.

Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation


Task Tracking Application : -
Built a task tracking application for managing tasks and implemented CRUD operations to create, view, update, and delete tasks for the users.

  1. Setup:
    ○ Created a new Spring Boot project using Spring Initializr using Java 21 and maven.
    ○ Included dependencies for Spring Web, Spring Security, Spring Data JPA, and MySQL Driver.

  2. Database Setup:
    ○ Created a Mysql database - tasktracker_db.
    ○ Created tables for user authentication (e.g., users, authorities).
    ○ Created Table to store task data such as task name, description, due date, and status.

  3. Entity and Repository:
    ○ Created entity classes to represent domain entities.
    ○ Implemented repository interfaces to perform CRUD operations.

  4. Controller:
    ○ Developed RESTful APIs to perform CRUD operations on domain entities.
    ○ Implemented authentication and authorization mechanisms to secure the APIs using Spring Security.

  5. Testing:
    ○ Added unit tests to ensure the correctness of CRUD operations and security features.
    ○ Used tools like JUnit, Mockito, and Spring Security testing support for testing.

  6. Documentation:
    ○ Provided clear documentation on set up and running the Spring Boot application.
    ○ Included instructions on user registration, authentication, and accessing secured APIs.

Additional Features

○ Cron job scheduled daily at 12:01 AM to check Due Date for all the tasks and set Status to "DUE" if the task is due.

API Endpoints

User (Bypassed Authentication - Unauthorized)

/user/register - For Adding User - ADMIN

Body -

      	    	"enabled": true,  
	        "authorities": ["ADMIN"]  

/user/register - For Adding User - USER

N.B - If no authority is given on registration - given USER access by default

Body -

      	    	"enabled": true,  
	        "authorities": ["USER"]  

/user/login - For logging into useraccount
Throws ApiRequestException on bad credentials login

Body -


Task (All task endpoints are authenticated)

Create Task - POST http://localhost:8080/tasks/create

ADMIN authorised i.e, only ADMIN can create tasks.

Body -

  "username": "jane13",   
  "task": "Interview5",   
  "description": "Do Interview",   
  "dueDate": "2024-05-26",   

N.B - Due date must be past the current date or throws TaskCreationException.
Without status in body, it will set status by default as "IN_PROGRESS".
Also No same user can have the same taskname, however different users can have the same task name.

Update Task - PUT http://localhost:8080/tasks/update
ADMIN authorised i.e, only ADMIN can update task details.

N.B - Since update is based on taskname and not task_id,
DO NOT CHANGE username and task values while updating task.


  "username": "jane13",  
  "task": "Interview1",  
  "description": "Do Interview 1",   
  "dueDate": "2024-05-27",   
  "status": "EXTENDED"   

View All Tasks - GET http://localhost:8080/tasks/viewAll

To view all tasks created by all users - ADMIN authorised


curl -i -X GET \
   -H "Authorization:Basic YXVzdGluMTQ6MTIzNA==" \

View All Tasks by specific User - GET - http://localhost:8080/tasks/view/user/{username}

To view the tasks based on the username given - All users are authorised but authentication is checked i,e all users in database can access.
N.B - The user(authority USER) can view their tasks by their username. If the user is trying to access tasks of any other users, it will throw a TaskRetrievalException.
Only the ADMIN can access tasks of other users.


curl -i -X GET \
   -H "Authorization:Basic YXVzdGluMTQ6MTIzNA==" \

View Task Details by Taskname - GET http://localhost:8080/tasks/viewOne/{taskname}
Get Task details by taskname - Gives all task details from all users having the same taskname


curl -i -X GET \
   -H "Authorization:Basic YXVzdGluMTQ6MTIzNA==" \

Delete Task by task_Id - DELETE http://localhost:8080/tasks/delete/{taskid}


curl -i -X DELETE \
   -H "Authorization:Basic YXVzdGluMTQ6MTIzNA==" \


User curls (Not Authenticated/Authorised APIs i.e, anyone can use)

Register - ADMIN

 curl -i -X POST \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -d \
'	{  
	        "authorities": ["ADMIN"]  

	}' \

Register - USER

curl -i -X POST \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -d \
'	{
	        "authorities": ["USER"]
	}' \


curl -i -X POST \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -d \
'	{
	}' \

Task Curls (Authorization Header required)

Create Task

curl -i -X POST \  
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \  
   -H "Authorization:Basic YXVzdGluMTQ6MTIzNA==" \  
   -d \
  "username": "jane13",  
  "task": "Interview5",  
  "description": "Do Interview",  
  "dueDate": "2024-05-26"  
}' \

Update Task

curl -i -X PUT \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "Authorization:Basic YXVzdGluMTQ6MTIzNA==" \
   -d \
  "username": "jane13",  
  "task": "Interview1",   
  "description": "Do Interview 1",   
  "dueDate": "2024-05-27",  
  "status": "DUE"  
}' \

View All Tasks

curl -i -X GET \
   -H "Authorization:Basic YXVzdGluMTQ6MTIzNA==" \

View All Tasks By Username

curl -i -X GET \
   -H "Authorization:Basic YXVzdGluMTQ6MTIzNA==" \

View Task Details by Taskname

curl -i -X GET \
   -H "Authorization:Basic YXVzdGluMTQ6MTIzNA==" \

Delete Task by ID

curl -i -X DELETE \
   -H "Authorization:Basic YXVzdGluMTQ6MTIzNA==" \


Task Tracking Application : - Build a task tracking application for managing tasks and assignments. - Implement CRUD operations to create, view, update, and delete tasks. - Use PostgreSQL to store task data such as task name, description, due date, and status.






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