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📰 News With Python

This program uses Beautiful-Soup 4 to web-scrape a local news site, returning the most recent news (by category) and the link to each article.


I created News with Python as a challenge. When I first had contact with Web Scraping, I felt that it was kinda overwhelming and complicated. Working on News With Python taught me a lot about Web Scraping and the Beautiful Soup library.

❗ How it works

bs4 module

We will use bs4 to parse the html data.

Initial section

import requests as req
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

categorias = ['Brasil', 'Colunistas', 'Esportes', 'Locais',
              'Gerais', 'Mundo', 'Polícial', 'Política', 'Regional']

print('Olá, que tipo de notícia você deseja ver? ')

for item in categorias:

This block of code is the first thing the user sees when he runs the program. It displays the categories of the news.

Catching the user's input

def validate_type(value):
    if isinstance(value, int):
        return True

    if isinstance(value, str):
        return value.isdigit()

    return False

def validate_value_range(input):
    return 0 < int(input) < 10

def validate(value):
    validated = validate_type(value) and validate_value_range(value)

    return validated

def ask_user_input():
    valid_input = False
    value = None

    while not valid_input:
        value = input('Insira aqui a sua escolha: ')
        valid_input = validate(value)

        if not valid_input:
            print('Por favor, insira um número de 1 a 9.')

    return int(value)

categoria = categorias[ask_user_input()-1]

if 'í' in categoria:
    categoria = categoria.replace('í', 'i')

Those functions will validate the user's input. It has to be a integer between 0 and 10.

Using requests and Beautiful Soup

res = req.get(f'{categoria.lower()}/')
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'html.parser')

nome ='')
link ='.more-link')
horas ='')

This is where we get the data from the site. Using requests we get the data from the website, and we use Beautiful Soup to parse it. Using we get the data from the specific html tags and classes we want.

The customList() function

def customList(nome, link, horas):
    L = []
    for index, item in enumerate(nome):
        title = nome[index].getText()
        hour = horas[index].getText()
        href = link[index].get('href', None)
        L.append({'title': title, 'link': href, 'hour': hour})
    return stories_sorted(L)

In this function, the title, link and time of post of the article will be stored as a dictionary and appended to a list. Then, stories_sorted() will be applied on that list.

The stories_sorted() function

def stories_sorted(nL):
    K = nL
    for item in K:
            x = item.get('title')
            y = item.get('link')
            z = item.get('hour')
            \nNotícia: {x} ({z})
    return 'Tenha um ótimo dia!'

In this function, we get the respective items from the dictionary and print them to the user.


A lot of the techniques I used were taught in ZTM's course Complete Python Developer Web Scraping section. Thanks again for ZTM for contributing with my programmer career.

This project was made purely with the intention of learning. I do not intend to gain any kind of money with News With Python

The news website used: