released this
21 Feb 01:06
Reorder SCSS device breakpoint styling, ensuring tablet and desktop styling are applied in cascading order.
Do not force the height of the Quick Menu in mobile-landscape mode, instead supplement the max-height value.
Remove pre-bundled desktop styling from the Quick Menu (i.e. set the menu to display:block, hyperlinks to display:inline and remove right alignment).
Do not apply Quick Menu navigation hyperlink colours to the desktop. (The nav-item-color
variable will remain exclusive for mobiles/tablets.)
Better refer to the device-breakpoints by renaming the SCSS mixin and points, from small/large to tablet/desktop.
Provide the ability to customise device-breakpoints by defining them as a variable (Sass Map).
Introduce the 'qm-only' class.
Remove partial bundled FontAwesome styling (removed the icon size variable).
Do not apply 'nav .a' background colours intended for the Quick Menu only to appear on desktop.
Do not hide icons by default for desktops, unless the 'qm-only' class exists. (Further removing additional FontAwesome styling.)
Additional capabilities and features documented within the README.
Added 'Code of Conduct' and 'Contributing' guides.
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