This module provides ulities to build small Boolean formulae. This module uses CNF internally and does not preserve the formula.
Suppored Python versions are: 3.11
To install using pip:
pip install git+
You can obtain the source from:
This module implements objects that represent boolean formulae and these are built up using literals. Literals are referenced using labels, where a label is any hashable Python object. Two literals are equal if and only if there labels are equal.
Boolean formulae are immutable.
Create a boolean formula consisting of only a literal with label obj
A & B
Calculate the conjunction of the formulae A
and B
A | B
Calculate the disjunction of the formulae A
and B
A ^ B
Calculate the exclusive disjunction of the formulae A
and B
Note: &
, |
, ^
are, as expected, associative
operations. A bool value be used as the left or right had value.
Returns the negation of the boolean formula A
obj in A
formula A
contains a literal with label obj
, else False
Return a frozen containing the labels of all the literals in formula A
A.subsitute(obj, B)
Create a new formula by replacing all literals with label obj
with formula B
if obj
is a boolean formula, else False
lite_boolean_formulae.or_(obj1, obj2, ...)
Equivalent to L(obj1) | L(obj2) | ...
lite_boolean_formulae.and_(obj1, obj2, ...)
Equivalent to L(obj1) & L(obj2) & ...
In [1]: from lite_boolean_formulae import L
In [2]: L('x') | (L('y') & L('z'))
Out[2]: (L('x') | L('y')) & (L('x') | L('z'))
In [3]: L('x') | L('x')
Out[3]: (L('x'))
In [4]: ~L('x')
Out[4]: ~ L('x')
In [5]: ~(~L('x'))
In [5]: L('x')
In [6]: L('x') | (L('x') & L('y'))
Out[6]: (L('x'))
In [7]: L('x') | (~L('x') & L('y'))
Out[7]: (L('x') | L('y'))
In [8]: L('x') & (L('~x'))
Out[9]: False
In [9]: L('x') | ~L('x')
Out[9]: True
In [10]: L('x') & False
Out[10]: False
In [11]: L('x').substitute('x', L('y') & L('z'))
Out[11]: (L('y')) & (L('z'))
In [12]: (L('w') | L('x')).substitute('x', L('y') & L('z'))
Out[12]: (L('w') | L('y')) & (L('w') | L('z'))
In [13]: (L('x') | L('y')).substitute('y', True)
Out[13]: True
In [14]: ((L('x') | L('y')) & (L('x') | L('z'))).get_literals()
Out[14]: frozenset({'x','y','z'})
In [15]: 'x' in ((L('x') | L('y')) & (L('x') | L('z')))
Out[15]: True
Tests use tox and pytest. Make targets and build script provided for convience.
Build a dev virtual enviroment (using the venv
module) in the git repo root. This
virtual enviroment will be used by make targets for packages.
Run make help
to see targets.
Run make tox
to install and run tox once the dev virtual enviroment is setup.
Contributions are welcome. Please ensure that any submitted code is well tested.
- Aubrey Rees
- Swin Purple (proof reader)
lite-boolean-formula is licensed under the BSD license. See LICENSE for the full license.