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So you want to: Require an API Key

atuttle edited this page Apr 13, 2012 · 3 revisions

This example is implemented in the folder examples/api_requireApiKey/ (included in the download).

Taffy exposes a few points in the request lifecycle of Application.cfc to you via optional methods that you can implement. One of them is onTaffyRequest, which is called after the request has been parsed to figure out what it is that's being requested. What your onTaffyRequest method returns decides how Taffy will continue.

This is the method signature that Taffy calls, in your Application.cfc: onTaffyRequest(verb, cfc, requestArguments, mimeExt, headers);

  • verb: (string) the HTTP verb that the consumer used. GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.
  • cfc: (string) the cfc that would be used to service the request.
  • requestArguments: (struct) the arguments that will be sent to the resource method. This is a combination of any tokens from the URI and any other fields either defined as query string parameters or in the request body. In the case of a name collision (token name and query string param/request body param with the same name) the query string/request body takes precedence.
  • mimeExt: (string) the requested "extension" of the return format, so if they want json, it's json (as opposed to application/json).
  • headers: (struct) the request headers.

If you implement onTaffyRequest, you can return one of two ways:

  • Return TRUE to allow the request to continue as the consumer intended.
  • Return a Representation Object to abort the request and return the contents of your representation object to the consumer.

If you choose not to implement onTaffyRequest, the default implementation always returns true.

You can use this to require an API key. Here's one such approach to do that. Put this in your Application.cfc:

function onTaffyRequest(verb, cfc, requestArguments, mimeExt){

	if(not structKeyExists(arguments.requestArguments, "apiKey")){
		//unauthorized because they haven't included their API key
		return newRepresentation().noData().withStatus(401, "API Key Required");

	//api key found
	return true;

This code checks for a request argument named "apiKey" (i.e. a GET request for /foo?apiKey=abc123), and if it's not found, returns a blank response body with status code 401. The newRepresentation() method creates a new instance of your default representation class, then you can either use noData() or if you want to have a response body, use setData() to pass in the data to send back to the consumer. Aside from the newRepresentation() and setData() methods, this should feel very similar to returning data in your resources. That's essentially what you're doing; just short-circuiting the request.

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