Basic scripts for scraping player data from Online Soccer Manager
Only pip dependency is the Selenium package. It can be installed by:
pip install selenium
pip install -r requirements.txt
Other dependency is the ChromeDriver. It can be downloaded from
This project is developed using version 91.0.4472.19
Download the file and copy it into the project's directory. Do not rename the file. If you are on Linux or OS X, change chromedriver.exe to chromedriver in both scripts.
After setting up the environment, run the Login script. If a chrome window is opened and you can view the OSM's webpage, you have set up your environment correctly
Run the Login script. Navigate to the login page. Enter your credentials. I suggest using a burner account. OSM's servers can block the account because of exceeded number of requests.
When login is completed and your account is accesible, close the window, and wait for the script to terminate. The login cookies are saved as a pickle file.
Navigate to the project directory. If there is a file called cookie.pkl you may run the main script.
Database file can be found in Releases.
Check the last updated date before downloading.