Go to Settings:
Go to All Providers > LLM:
Make sure AnythingLLM is selected in the LLM Provider dropdown:
Select an LLM model you'd like to use. If you have a video card in your computer (Nvidia or AMD), a good rule of thumb is to select a model that's size is roughly two thirds of your VRAM.
For example, if you have a 12GB GPU, you can select a model that's around 8GB in size.
If you don't have a video card, you can still use a model, but you should select a smaller one. Phi-3 or Gemma 2B are good choices for CPU only systems.
Click on the chosen model and then click on Save changes.
Wait for the model to download. You can see the progress in the upper right corner of the app.
When finished, click on the Back to workspaces icon.