- Contributions of all sorts are welcome, issues and pull requests are the preferred ways of sharing them.
- When contributing pull requests, please follow the Google's R Style Guide.
- This project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
- If you are new to GitHub, you might start with a basic tutorial and check out a more detailed guide to pull requests.
- Pull requests will be evaluated by the repository guardians on a schedule and if deemed beneficial will be committed to the master.
- All contributors retain the original copyright to their stuff, but by contributing to this project, you grant a world-wide, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, transferable license to all users under the terms of the license under which this project is distributed.
- Submit an issue on the Issues page
- Fork this repo to your Github account
- Clone your version on your account down to your machine from your account, e.g,.
git clone https://github.com/atmoschem/eixport.git
- Make sure to track progress upstream (i.e., on our version of
) by doinggit remote add upstream https://github.com/atmoschem/eixport.git
. Before making changes make sure to pull changes in from upstream by doing eithergit fetch upstream
then merge later orgit pull upstream
to fetch and merge in one step - Make your changes (bonus points for making changes on a new feature branch)
- Push up to your account
- Submit a pull request to home base (likely master branch, but check to make sure) at
Also, check out our discussion forum
- Start an issue in english, português or español here.