- Memoize, debounce, throttle and queue methods
- Cache Handler
- Persistence: (File, LocalStorage, Custom)
- NodeJS/Browser
import { deco } from 'memd';
class Foo {
someMethod () {}
get someProp () {}
bar () {}
qux () {}
async dex () {}
import { Cache } from 'memd'
interface ICacheOpts {
maxAge?: number
monitors?: ICacheChangeEventMonitor[]
keyResolver?: (...args) => string
interface ICacheChangeEventMonitor {
on (event: 'change', fn: Function)
off (event: 'change', fn: Function)
const cache = new Cache(<ICacheOpts> { maxAge: 60 });
.get (key: string): T
.set (key: string, val: T): T
.clear (key?: string)
.destroy ()
interface IMemoizeOpts {
// Per default method or getter returns are cached for all instances of a class.
// Use `perInstance` to cache per instance: this could be useful when the method reads `this.` values.
perInstance?: boolean
// When a promise is memoized, and gets rejected. Clear also the cache, so that
// the next time it wont hit the cache and is reavaluated.
clearOnReject?: boolean
.memoize(opts?: ICacheOpts & IMemoizeOpts)
When ms
is 0
or undefined
then requestAnimationFrame
or setImmediate
is used.
.debounce(ms: number = 0)
.throttle(ms: number, shouldCallLater?: boolean)
Calls method only when the previous promise is resolved. Use trimQueue: true
to ensure the queue consists of max 1 listener.
.queued(opts: { trimQueue?: boolean, timeout?: number, throttle?: number })
Persist all cached data to the backed store, to be able to restore on app restarts
import memd from 'memd'
const fs = new memd.FsTransport({ path: './lorem.json' });
class Foo {
@memd.deco.memoize({ transport: fs })
foo (bar) {
// do smth
import memd from 'memd'
const storage = new memd.LocalStorageTransport({ key: 'foo' });
class Foo {
@memd.deco.memoize({ transport: storage })
foo (bar) {
// do smth
Read and Save single values from store
import memd from 'memd'
const store = {
getAsync (key: string, ...args) {
// get cached value if any
return {
value: 'bar'
saveAsync (key: string, entry: { value: any, timestamp: number }) {
// save cached value
class Foo {
@memd.deco.memoize({ store })
foo (bar) {
// do smth
Atma.js Project