- File Class.
- Directory Class.
- File IO Middlewares to preprocess reads and writes actions.
- File Transport middleware for custom file protocols, e.g.
- Sync and Async
- Safe Files to ensure thread-safe and process-safe file writes.
- File-locks to make custom process-safe actions easy to implement.
- File watcher: cross-platform file watchers.
- AES-256 Encryption
- HTTP Transport:
methods to handle files.
In comparison to NodeJS sync-async contract: all functions with generic name are synchronous, and the
are asynchronous with the same interface. Sync versions never throw exceptions and are designed to be used in not performance critical applications, like bash scripts, etc. GoAsync
import { File } from 'atma-io'
const file = new File('./test.txt');
Path is relative to the cwd
(except windows os, when drive letter is used). To specify system absolute path, use file://
Read file's content. If encoding
is set to null raw Buffer
is returned.
For each read
middleware pipeline is used, to skip it, set skipHooks
to true.
Hooks will be per default executed. For example, when reading from
file the string will be deserialized to json object
let content = file.read<TOut = string>( options?: {
encoding?: 'buffer' | 'utf8' //> default 'utf8'
skipHooks?: boolean //> false
aes256?: { secret: string }
let content = await file.readAsync <TOut = string> (options?: {
encoding?: 'buffer' | 'utf8', //> 'utf8'
skipHooks?: boolean //> false
aes256?: { secret: string }
Get bytes or string for a range from the file
let content = file.readRange(position, length);
let content = await file.readRangeAsync(position, length)
Hooks will be per default executed. For example, when writing to
file and providing an object, this object will be serialized to json string
file.write(string | Buffer | any, options?: {
skipHooks?: boolean
aes256?: { secret: string }
.writeAsync(content: string | Buffer | any, options?: {
skipHooks?: boolean
aes256?: { secret: string }
.then(() => {}, (err) => {})
file.append(content: string)
await file.appendAsync(string);
let b: boolean = file.exists()
let b: boolean = await file.existsAsync();
interface IFileCopyOpts {
silent?: boolean
baseSource?: string
* @param path: Target file path or directory, when ends with slash
file.copyTo(path: string, opts?: IFileCopyOpts): boolean
file.copyToAsync(path: string, opts?: IFileCopyOpts): Promise<boolean>
file.rename(filename: string)
file.renameAsync(filename: string): Promise<void>
Reads the content as string, replaces the matches and writes the result.
Expected arguments are the same as for JavaScripts string replace
Returns new content.
file.replace(search: string | RegExp, replacer: string | Function): string
file.replaceAsync(search: string | RegExp, replacer: string | Function): Promise<string>
file.remove(): boolean
file.removeAsync(): Promise<boolean>
Watch file for changes
file.watch(cb: (path) => void)
file.unwatch(cb?: (path) => void): boolean
Each read
will be cached. To control cache behavior use next methods:
File.clearCache(<?string> path);
When path
is null
, then all cache is dropped.
There are some static methods, so that there is no need to initialize the File instance.
File[method] //> Function(filepath, [..args])
// methods:
// sample
Middleware pattern is used for all reads and writes. It can be used, for example, to compile coffee script to javascript on the fly. Or when reading *.yml
file, the resulted content is not a YAML string, but already parsed object.
To get the idea, look at the hook definition sample:
import { File } from 'atma-io'
Each middleware has unique name and is registered in this way:
import { File } from 'atma-io'
File.middleware['coffee'] = {
read: function(<io.File> file, <Object> config){
let coffee = require('coffee-script');
file.content = coffee.compile(file.content);
write: function(<io.File> file, <Object> config){
// ... do smth with `content` before disk write
import { File } from 'atma-io'
regexp: <RegExp>,
method: <'read'|'write'>,
handler: <Function | Object> handler,
zIndex: <?Number> // default: 0
Path is matched by the regexp. The greater zIndex
is, the later it is called in the pipeline, otherwise the handlers are called in the order they were registered.
Lately will be converted into plugins, @see Plugins
- coffee ( -> javascript )
- markdown ( -> html )
- jshint ( -> run jshint )
- json ( -> JSON.parse is used )
- yml ( -> YAML parser is used )
- uglify ( -> Minify source before write)
- cssmin ( -> Minify source before write)
- yml ( -> stringify object to yml string )
- json ( -> stringify object to json )
There additional read
middlewares as atma plugins:
- Compiles [Typescript]atma-loader-less
- Compiles Lessatma-loader-sass
- Compiles SASSatma-io-middleware-yml
- Parse YML and returns the Objectatma-io-transport-s3
- Read/Saves3://
files paths from/to S3 storage
For example, you want to use Traceur middelware and jshint for reading js
via javascript
js: ['hint:read', 'atma-loader-ts:read' /* ... */],
via package.json
"atma": {
"settings" : {
"io": {
"extensions": {
"js": [ "hint:read", "atma-loader-ts:read" ]
Define with RegExp a File Handler to completely override the read/write/exists/remove behavior.
import { File } from 'atma-io'
.registerHandler(/defaults\.json$/i, class {
exists (){
return true;
read (){
return { foo: 'bar' };
import { Directory } from 'atma-io'
let dir = new Directory('src/');
Path is always relative to the cwd
(except windows os, when drive letter is used). To specify system absolute path, use file://
dir.exists()//> boolean
dir.existsAsync()//> Deferred
dir.readFiles(<?string> pattern).files // Array<io.Files>
Get list of all files in the directory. pattern
is a glob pattern.
// all javascript files, also from sub-directories
pattern = '*.js';
// only from base directory
pattern = '/*.js'
// only from sub-directories
pattern = '**/*.js'
let files: File[] = await dir.readFilesAsync(globPattern?);
Copy files
to destination directory. Before copying dir.readFiles
can be called to copy only specific files.
dir.copyTo(destination: string)
dir.copyToAsync(destination: string) //> Deferred
dir.rename(<string> folderName);
dir.renameAsync(<string> folderName) //> Deferred
Removes all content recursively and the folder itself
dir.remove() //> boolean
Creates directory structure, if not already exists.
Watch directory for changes
There are some static methods, so that there is no need to initialize the Directory instance.
Directory[method] //> Function(dirpath, [..args])
// methods:
// sample
.readFilesAsync('sub/', '**.js')
(c) MIT - Atma.js Project