The basic aim for implementing Insurance Recommendation System is to suggest best insurance to the users based on thier health. Every user is given a health score based on his/her vitals; of which data is measured by the the wearables data. Wearables data such as Cardiopulmonary and Vascular data and Glucose level. So basically suggesting the best insurance policy based on their wearables data.
- Overview
- Content
- Event Overview
- Team
- Problem Statement
- Features
- Tech Stack
- API Reference
- Environment Variables
- Run Locally
- Documentation
- Author
Me and my team participated at a Hackathon event at Technix in October 2021 at Goa College of Engineering, Goa. Me along with Vivek Silimkhan and Azvern Dias had participated as a team, where I was working on Django application (Backend), Azvern was handling Flutter application (Frontend) and Vivek was developing ML models ML Models (ML Models).
Atharva Parkhe
- Django Developer (Backend) - Python - LinkedIn, GitHub -
Vivek Silimkhan
- Python - ML Developer (ML) - LinkedIn, GitHub -
Azvern Dias
- Dart - Flutter Developer (Frontend) - LinkedIn, GitHub
USER AUTHENTICATION : Users can Signup for a new account, Verify thier email id, Login using email and password, make a Forgot request to reset thier password.
RESTAURANTS : Users can view all restaurants listed on the app.
BOOKING : User can make booking by selecting time-slots for a perticular service as per users choice.
SELLER AUTHENTICATION : Seller (Shop-keepers) can Signup for a new account, Verify thier email id, Login using email and password, make a Forgot request to reset thier password.
SELLER CMS : Seller can manage thier content on the site. They can add, modify, delete thier online shop and the products that they sell in thier shop.
SELLER ORDER MANAGEMENT : Seller can manage thier orders through the dashboard.
: Django (Python) -
: SQLite3 -
:- Customer Application : Flutter (Dart)
Postman Endpoints :
API Endpoints JSON file (for importing into thunderclient / postman) is available in the docs folder or click here
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
- Email ID (which would be used to send emails) -
- Email Password
Step#1 : Clone Project Repository
git clone && cd Technix-Technotohon-2k22-Insurance-Recommendation-System
Step#2 : Create Virtual Environment
- If virtualenv is not istalled :
pip install virtualenv && virtualenv env
- In Windows :
- In Linux or MacOS :
source env/bin/activate
Step#3 : Install Dependencies
pip install --upgrade pip -r requirements.txt
Step#4 : Add .env file
- ENV file contents
- In Windows :
copy .env.example .env
- In Linux or MacOS :
cp .env.example .env
- Enter Your Credentials in the ".env" file. Refer Environment Variables
Step#5 : Run Server
python runserver
- Open
on your browser.
Check the terminal if any error.
The docs folder contain all the project documentations and screenshots of the project.You can go through the presentation here
Local Server Base Link : http://localhost:8000/
Complete Code Link :
Admin Pannel Access :
- Email : ""
- Password : "password"
Frontend Section :
- Code :
- Author : Azvern Dias - GitHub, LinkedIn
ML Models :
- Code :
- Author : Vivel Silimkhan - GitHub, LinkedIn
🤝 Connect with Atharva Parkhe