This is an example of an API that enables an external/unknown user to request to describe a location; Including information that contain latitude, longitude and additional/optional data (this is not further defined).
A second API for internal use. The user should be able to consume the data data via two endpoints.
Listing of all location information
Details of a location: name, latitude, longitude, all additional data, a calculated distance.
Demo and Documentation
A powerful, unified experience to develop, deploy, test, secure, and monitor your Serverless applications.
# Step 1. Install serverless globally
$ npm install serverless -g
# Step 1. Choose API
$ cd [external-service | internal-service]
# Step 3. Install Node JS dependencies
$ npm install
# Step 3. Install DyanamoDB Local
$ sls dynamodb install
# Step 4. Start Dynamo DB Local
$ sls dynamodb start -s dev --migrate
# Step 5. Start Offline mode
$ sls offline -s dev --watch
Explanation to how to prepare the environment for automated tests for this APIs.
# Step 1. Choose API
$ cd [external-service | internal-service]
# Step 2. Install Node JS dependencies
$ npm install
# Step 3. Install DyanamoDB Local (If it hasn't done yet)
$ sls dynamodb install
npm test
npm run test-cov
npm run lint
Deploy to cloud provider (AWS Lambda)
# Step 1. Deploy
$ serverless deploy --stage [dev|prod|test]
- Abner Tellez - Initial work - Github Profile