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Security: atellaluca/ImportSpy

Security Policy

📢 Reporting a Vulnerability

ImportSpy is committed to maintaining a secure and trusted environment for all developers.
If you discover a security vulnerability, we strongly encourage responsible disclosure.

  • Report vulnerabilities via: GitHub Issues
  • Contact for security concerns:
  • Disclosure period: We follow a 90-day responsible disclosure policy.
    • Issues reported privately will be reviewed and fixed before public disclosure.

🛠️ Handling Security Patches

We take security seriously and address vulnerabilities as follows:

  1. Review & Triage: Reported vulnerabilities are assessed within 48 hours.
  2. Fix & Release:
    • Minor security patches are applied in patch releases (x.x.x).
    • Major security fixes may result in a new minor version (x.x.0).
  3. Communication:
    • GitHub Releases: Security updates are tagged and documented.
    • Upcoming: Changelog updates and mailing list notifications.

📦 Security Considerations

ImportSpy depends on Pydantic (^2.9.2), and we actively monitor its security updates.
If a dependency vulnerability is identified, it will be patched and communicated accordingly.

Thank you for contributing to the security of ImportSpy! 🛡️

There aren’t any published security advisories