The topic names will be migrated to ROS recommended namespace model.
Set /neonavigation_compatible
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planner_3d node provides 2-D/3-DOF seamless global-local path and motion planner.
- ~/costmap (new: costmap) [costmap_cspace_msgs::CSpace3D]
- ~/costmap_update (new: costmap_update) [costmap_cspace_msgs::CSpace3DUpdate]
- ~/goal (new: move_base_simple/goal) [geometry_msgs::PoseStamped]
- /tf
- ~/path (new: path) [nav_msgs::Path]
- ~/debug [sensor_msgs::PointCloud]
debug output of planner internal costmap
- ~/remembered [sensor_msgs::PointCloud]
debug output of obstacles probability estimated by BBF
- ~/path_start [geometry_msgs::PoseStamped]
- ~/path_end [geometry_msgs::PoseStamped]
- ~/status [planner_cspace_msgs::PlannerStatus]
- ~/forget (new: forget_planning_cost) [std_srvs::Empty]
- "goal_tolerance_lin" (double, default: 0.05)
- "goal_tolerance_ang" (double, default: 0.1)
- "goal_tolerance_ang_finish" (double, default: 0.05)
- "unknown_cost" (int, default: 100)
- "hist_cnt_max" (int, default: 20)
- "hist_cnt_thres" (int, default: 19)
- "hist_cost" (int, default: 90)
- "hist_ignore_range" (double, default: 1.0)
- "remember_updates" (bool, default: false)
- "local_range" (double, default: 2.5)
- "longcut_range" (double, default: 0.0)
- "esc_range" (double, default: 0.25)
- "find_best" (bool, default: true)
- "pos_jump" (double, default: 1.0)
- "yaw_jump" (double, default: 1.5)
- "jump_detect_frame" (string, default: base_link)
- "force_goal_orientation" (bool, default: true)
- "temporary_escape" (bool, default: true)
- "fast_map_update" (bool, default: false)
- "debug_mode" (string, default: std::string("cost_estim"))
debug output data type
- "hyst": path hysteresis cost
- "cost_estim": estimated cost to the goal used as A* heuristic function
- "queue_size_limit" (int, default: 0)
- "antialias_start" (bool, default: false)
If enabled, the planner searches path from multiple surrounding grids within the grid size to reduce path chattering.
planner_2dof_serial_joints provides collision avoidance for 2-DOF serial joint (e.g. controlling interfering pairs of sub-tracks for tracked vehicle.)
- ~/trajectory_in (new: trajectory_in) [trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectory]
- ~/joint (new: joint_states) [sensor_msgs::JointState]
- /tf
- ~/trajectory_out (new: joint_trajectory) [trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectory]
- ~/status [planner_cspace_msgs::PlannerStatus]
- "resolution" (int, default: 128)
- "debug_aa" (bool, default: false)
- "replan_interval" (double, default: 0.2)
- "queue_size_limit" (int, default: 0)
- "link0_name" (string, default: std::string("link0"))
- "link1_name" (string, default: std::string("link1"))
- "point_vel_mode" (string, default: std::string("prev"))
- "range" (int, default: 8)
- "num_groups" (int, default: 1)