issues Search Results · repo:asynkron/protoactor-dotnet language:C#
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inasynkron/protoactor-dotnet (press backspace or delete to remove)Hi, I have found a bug in Endpoint.DropMessagesInBatch code. It appears that sender and target of DeadLetterResponse are
mixed up. In this example Endpoint.RemoteAddress is 191.34... and this Endpoint ...
- Opened 10 days ago
- #2162
Problem: When reconnecting to a pub-sub subscriber which is not a member of cluster (RunAsClient = true), there is no
check whether the remote endpoint still works with the same cluster. When using Kubernetes ...
- Opened 11 days ago
- #2161
After updating to 1.7.1-alpha.0.10 we have this issue.
We see the log spammed with this message on the subscriber side (RunAsClient):
Pub-sub message cannot be delivered to {PID} as it is no longer available ...
- 1
- Opened 13 days ago
- #2160
You have this comment in your code:
// in theory, it s possible to unsubscribe a subscriber that s still alive, if they are unreachable for a short time,
// but regardless, application level logic ...
- Opened 21 days ago
- #2155
We start multiple ProtoActor hosts in our integration tests. Their log output is mixed because you use a static logger
in Cluster and some other classes. This makes it harder to investigate bugs. Could ...
- Opened 24 days ago
- #2154
After unregistering from cluster from Cluster.ShutdownAsync, node is trying to reconnect to other nodes to perform grain
requests but it s already blocked. Is this an expected behavior?
- Opened 24 days ago
- #2153
When a node is gracefully shutting down, we need to do some grain requests from OnStopping, including Unsubscribe calls.
But these requests throw TimeoutException. Any help?
- Opened 24 days ago
- #2152
When restarting some of our nodes, we often encounter a problem where they can t connect to each other. Sometimes they
try to connect to a node that doesn t exist anymore, sometimes that another node is ...
- 2
- Opened on Feb 19
- #2151
If the Scheduler class (and extension method on ISenderContext) could accept an instance of TimeProvider, it would be
possible to test it without actually waiting for the real time to pass.
This could ...
- Opened on Jan 28
- #2148

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