This is a proof of concept implementation of the ASHA protocol over BlueZ. It's a precursor to the final goal of having an implementation of the ASHA spec within Bluez.
Currently has 3 dev dependencies that need to be available: pthread, dbus and bluez. To build, run:
$ meson build
$ cd build
$ ninja
To run, you will have to start bluetoothd with the following configuration set
This is necessary for audio to reach the hearing aid on time and is explained in more detail in the docs.
To execute, run it with the Bluetooth device address with the octets separated by underscores as the first argument.
$ ./asha-support 71_D3_BF_2F_9A_A0
Currently, there is a bug where the first run may end abruptly because the service interface may not have been exposed on time. You will have to run it twice to succeed.
The current implementation streams a part of an audio file that is checked into the codebase. This behaviour is hardcoded.
This project provides an implementation of the ASHA specification. The specification describes a combination of GATT services, L2CAP connections, audio encodings and rules around how to use them. Not all of which could be implemented here. Some of this is described in more detail in the docs.