configs for nvim, tmux,awesomewm, rofi, i3color-lock
Uses Vim plug for installing plugins Got some time to try out some configs.. Many of these files are adapted from internet Thier license and author information are left as such
Was having trouble with vim devicons and vim airline..
after using patched fonts in alacritty terminal emulator,
finally i got it working. The patched font, alacritty config and init.vim are
given in the repo
also note that the code completion with pytorch is working seemlessly. Changed to vim-lsp for completion suggestions Key Features
- auto completeion - ncm2 (buffer, path, languages)
- python code style enforcement - pylint
- Multiple language support - vim-lsp and vim-lsp-settings
- Semantic highlighting - Semshi (python) , vim-lsp (for supported languages)
- check for errors as you type - neomake
You can use this script for setting up neovim on debian based OS. It will take care of installing and setting up dependencies
- pynvim
- node version >= 10
- neovim >= 0.4
- pylint
- python-language-server
Also take care you python environment using
. It takes care of my conda env.
or python_host_prog
for python 2.7
For getting completion for supported languages, run :LspInstallServer
Ranger is a terminal based file manager . It can display files in your terminal , using ueberzug or w3m. But your terminal should support it. I got it working with terminology and alacritty. I am adding alacritty configs here
Of course you need a patched font for this to work.. I have uploaded Courier 10 here. You can download font of your choice from ryanoasis/nerdfonts
- locking
- i3lock-color
- xautolock
- imagemagick
- run launcher
- rofi
- gtk theming
- xsettingsd
- gtk-chtheme
- qt4-qtconfig
- lxappearence
- patched font - Courier 10 Pitch for Powerline
- .xsettingsd for antialiasing of fonts
- .Xresourses
- Pop-Black.rasi theme for rofi
- 70-touch-pad-settings.conf - mouse settings
- userChrome.css to get the look for firefox
- neovim
- ranger as file manager
- alacritty as terminal emulator
- awesomewm as window manager
- cmus as musicplayer
- zathura as document viewer
- firefox with custom userChrome.css file
Checkout awesome-copycats for awesome themes, Hollow theme(awesome-copycats) with my tweaks
- arc-darker
- zafiro icon theme