cOSMos is a thin wrapper for OSM overpass API that provides a number of helper functions to make downloading particular Open Street Map data easier. It allows to extract common features of interest (road networks, city locations, building footprints) based on location name.
pip install cosmos-osm
Location defined on instantiation.
from cosmos import Data
data = Data('Krakow')
roads = data.get('roads', format='geojson')
Location passed as argument.
from cosmos import Data
data = Data()
cities = data.get('cities', 'Scotland', format='geojson')
roads = data.get('roads', 'Kuala Lumpur', format='geojson')
Location defined by bbox.
south = 47.3202203,
west = 8.4480061
north = 47.4346662
east = 8.6254413
zurich = (south, west, north, east)
# Without format argument it will return 2 generators with geometries and tags.
buildings, tags = data.get('buildings', bbox=zurich)
From terminal:
cosmos --location=Musselburgh --filename=musselburgh_roads.geojson
Will create musselburgh_roads.geojson GeoJSON file with road network for Musselburgh. Here's --help
Usage: cosmos [OPTIONS]
--location TEXT input location name(city, country)
--filename TEXT output file name
--dtype [roads|cities|buildings]
data type
bbox in form (south, west, north, east)
--help Show this message and exit.
Currently implemented data types than can be extracted with cOSMos
Name | Geometry | Example |
Roads | LineString | data.get('roads', 'London') |
Cities | Point | data.get('cities', 'Portugal') |
Buildings | Polygon | data.get('buildings', 'Prague') |
cOSMos uses a number of awesome python packages, please check their websites: