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Ray provider

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Orchestrate your Ray jobs using Apache Airflow® combining Airflow's workflow management with Ray's distributed computing capabilities.

Benefits of using this provider include:

  • Integration: Incorporate Ray jobs into Airflow DAGs for unified workflow management.
  • Distributed computing: Use Ray's distributed capabilities within Airflow pipelines for scalable ETL, LLM fine-tuning etc.
  • Monitoring: Track Ray job progress through Airflow's user interface.
  • Dependency management: Define and manage dependencies between Ray jobs and other tasks in DAGs.
  • Resource allocation: Run Ray jobs alongside other task types within a single pipeline.

Table of Contents


Check out the Getting Started guide in our docs. Sample DAGs are available at example_dags/.

Sample DAGs

Example 1: Using @ray.task for job life cycle

The below example showcases how to use the @ray.task decorator to manage the full lifecycle of a Ray cluster: setup, job execution, and teardown.

This approach is ideal for jobs that require a dedicated, short-lived cluster, optimizing resource usage by cleaning up after task completion

from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from airflow.decorators import dag, task
from ray_provider.decorators.ray import ray
CONN_ID = "ray_conn"
RAY_SPEC = Path(__file__).parent / "scripts/ray.yaml"
FOLDER_PATH = Path(__file__).parent / "ray_scripts"
"conn_id": CONN_ID,
"runtime_env": {"working_dir": str(FOLDER_PATH), "pip": ["numpy"]},
"num_cpus": 1,
"num_gpus": 0,
"memory": 0,
"poll_interval": 5,
"ray_cluster_yaml": str(RAY_SPEC),
"xcom_task_key": "dashboard",
start_date=datetime(2023, 1, 1),
tags=["ray", "example"],
def ray_taskflow_dag():
def generate_data():
return [1, 2, 3]
def process_data_with_ray(data):
import numpy as np
import ray
def square(x):
return x**2
data = np.array(data)
futures = [square.remote(x) for x in data]
results = ray.get(futures)
mean = np.mean(results)
print(f"Mean of this population is {mean}")
return mean
data = generate_data()
ray_example_dag = ray_taskflow_dag()

Example 2: Using SetupRayCluster, SubmitRayJob & DeleteRayCluster

This example shows how to use separate operators for cluster setup, job submission, and teardown, providing more granular control over the process.

This approach allows for more complex workflows involving Ray clusters.

Key Points:

  • Uses SetupRayCluster, SubmitRayJob, and DeleteRayCluster operators separately.
  • Allows for multiple jobs to be submitted to the same cluster before deletion.
  • Demonstrates how to pass cluster information between tasks using XCom.

This method is ideal for scenarios where you need fine-grained control over the cluster lifecycle, such as running multiple jobs on the same cluster or keeping the cluster alive for a certain period.

from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from airflow import DAG
from ray_provider.operators.ray import DeleteRayCluster, SetupRayCluster, SubmitRayJob
CONN_ID = "ray_conn"
RAY_SPEC = Path(__file__).parent / "scripts/ray.yaml"
FOLDER_PATH = Path(__file__).parent / "ray_scripts"
with DAG(
start_date=datetime(2023, 1, 1),
tags=["ray", "example"],
setup_cluster = SetupRayCluster(
task_id="SetupRayCluster", conn_id=CONN_ID, ray_cluster_yaml=str(RAY_SPEC), update_if_exists=False
submit_ray_job = SubmitRayJob(
runtime_env={"working_dir": str(FOLDER_PATH)},
delete_cluster = DeleteRayCluster(task_id="DeleteRayCluster", conn_id=CONN_ID, ray_cluster_yaml=str(RAY_SPEC))
# Create ray cluster and submit ray job
setup_cluster.as_setup() >> submit_ray_job >> delete_cluster.as_teardown()
setup_cluster >> delete_cluster

Getting Involved

Platform Purpose Est. Response time
Discussion Forum General inquiries and discussions < 3 days
GitHub Issues Bug reports and feature requests < 1-2 days
Slack Quick questions and real-time chat 12 hrs


We follow Semantic Versioning for releases. Check CHANGELOG.rst for the latest changes.

Contributing Guide

All contributions, bug reports, bug fixes, documentation improvements, enhancements are welcome.

A detailed overview on how to contribute can be found in the Contributing Guide.


Apache 2.0 License

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