All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Undefined variables in theme (#40)
- Customizable Default Theme (#37)
- Added missing models to docs (#36)
- Helper text/hint (#26)
- Url regex validation (#28)
- Configurable input
- Added build command to publish command
- Text Area methods (#29)
- VuePress for Better documentation (#15)
- Allow Input validation on change and blur (#21)
- Custom fields via scoped slots (#12)
- Spread Form options and netlify forms support (#19)
- Fixed missing github link in npm (#6)
- Custom classes (#16)
- Textarea validation and events not triggering (#23)
- Added .git exclude to .npmignore to avoid EISGIT error (#10)
- Convert numeric values when updating form values (#1)
- Preselect option on Input-Select not working (#7)
- Missing github link in npm (#8)
- Dynamic Forms component
- Dynamic Input component
- Input text, select, checkbox, textarea, radio
- Validators