Flow Chart:
MSVC2010 solution file: 3DReconstruction.sln
Header Files:
Source Files:
main.cpp - contains the main function
CalcReProjErr.cpp - calcuates the error between the reprojection of calculated 3D points and keypoints detected
computeSVD.cpp - Replacement for the OpenCV SVD calculation using LAPACK libraries from MKL package
depcomposeProjection.cpp - Replacement of OpenCV decomposeProjectionMatrix() using LAPACK libraries from MKL package
displaymatches.cpp - Produces a single image showing matching keypoints in multiple views
findcommon.cpp - Finds the common points for triangulation from all 8 views
FindHfromQ.cpp - Decomposes Q matrix to find H
fundamentalmartix.cpp - Replacement of OPENCV findFundamentalMat()
getkeypoints.cpp - Computes SIFT keypoints and corresponding descriptors for an image
imageload.cpp - loads images, the path to the images to be loaded
matchdesciptors.cpp - Matches Keypoints from each image pair using their descriptors
MetricUpgrade.cpp - Metric Upgrade using the sparsePOP function.
Requires: sparsePOP.exe, param.pop, param.sdpa, for execution (included in the folder)
Input File: MetricUpgradeRef.gms (included)
Output File: MetricUpgrageOut.txt
Library Depndency: SymbolicC++ (3rdParty folder)
projectionmatrix.cpp - Computes projection matrix from Fundamental matrix
RANSAC.cpp - Implements RANSAC for use in computing fundamental matrix
refinepoints.cpp - Normalizes matched keypoints
SBA.cpp - Bundle Adjustment using the 3rd party SBA libraries.
sift_new.cpp - Implements a SIFT Keypoint detector using VLFeat library package
Library Depndency: vlfeat (3rdParty folder)
triangulation.cpp - Computes 3D points from provided set of 2D points using triangulation
SBA (ver 1.5) -
SymbolicC++ -
vlfeat - Vision Lab Features Library (SIFT),
- sparsePOP is provided as an application (.exe) and hence is run on a child process. Compiling instructions require cross compilation from Linux environment.
- SymbolicC++ libraries required by sparsePOP to form the optimization equation is slow and needs to be substituted with faster options.