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Interactive implementation of Cloude Decomposition by Dr. Shane R Cloude

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NEW: for instructions on new Python version please click here!

Near-real-time, interactive, self-contained, non-proprietary implementation of the Cloude Decomposition [1] by Shane R Cloude for:

Sample data included.

Poincaré's radar by Dr. Cloude

This July 26 2002 presentation is a companion resource accompanying the article below [1].


Cloude_decom demonstration video (over forested area)



"In this paper [1] we show how to develop the idea of orthogonality in radar polarimetry for enhanced target detection and land-use classification of POLSAR data. It is well known that every elliptical polarization has its orthogonal partner, uniquely defined as the antipodal point on the Poincaré sphere. Here we show that for scatterers, we can extend this idea so that every scattering matrix has a corresponding multi-dimensional orthogonal space [2]. We give a geometrical interpretation of this approach using a generalized Poincaré sphere representation. We then derive an algorithm for finding the peak signal in this ortho-space. We derive this optimum for both monostatic and bistatic radar systems, to illustrate how bistatic polarimetry offers great potential benefits in future POLSAR studies."


[1] "Generalized Poincaré Orthogonality: A New Approach to POLSAR Data Analysis" SR Cloude, A Richardson,

[2] "Target Detection Using Rank-1 Polarimetric Processing" SR Cloude, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (2020)


Inputs: A) fully-polarimetric SAR data in standard PolSARPro "T3 coherency matrix" format with config.txt file B) an RGB encoding such as the well-known Pauli encoding, used for selection of a target location C) image coordinates of user-selected target to be "cancelled". Output: optimised radar cross section (a greyscale image)


The interactive version supports exploring fully-polarimetric SAR data quickly, by selecting a target location using the mouse, then viewing the resulting optimised radar cross section promptly

  • Tested on Ubuntu 20 LTS and MacOS. Windows is supported via WSL ( Windows Subsystem: Linux )

Instructions for starting WSL ( on Windows ):

  1. Open your windows terminal (AKA "cmd.exe")
  2. If you didn't install WSL yet:
wsl --install
  1. Enter the wsl environment:
  1. Install "unzip" command (needed to open code) At the WSL prompt:
sudo apt install unzip

Instructions for building and running the interactive method, using the test data provided:

Please open your terminal and run the following commands:

1) download the code

(by the way, make sure to use the "copy" icon to the right of the code fragment, followed by pasting in your terminal, in order to avoid re-typing manually). All code fragments require pressing "RETURN" key afterwards to run the command.

curl -o; unzip; mv cloude_decom-master cloude_decom

2) enter the project folder

cd cloude_decom

3) compile the code

python3 cpp/

4) enter the sample data folder

cd T3

5) run the interactive program


If all goes well, you should see an interactive visualization of the test data (as below).


  1. installs, provided you enter your super-user password:
  • required dependencies g++ and freeglut3-dev (on ubuntu). Mac users need to install xcode "command line" development tools
  • binaries to /usr/bin/cloude_decom and /usr/bin/cloude_view
  1. Alternate downloading method, you could use this instead of step "1)" above if you're already connected to github by ssh:
git clone

and then proceed to "2) enter the project folder". This approach would make sense if you're experienced with GitHub and considering making code revisions

  1. Another alternative downloading method (assuming you have wget installed)
wget; unzip; mv cloude_decom-master cloude_decom

Using the mouse

Assuming the mouse pointer is positioned somewhere over the image display:

  • depressing the left button, restores the default visualization used (e.g. the pauli encoding)
  • releasing the left button, runs the decomposition and displays the optimized radar cross section associated with the target area under the cursor, when the button was released

So it's necessary to engage and then release the left mouse button, to generate an output. Again the location where the mouse button is released, becomes the target area for processing

Closing the program

Depressing the right mouse botton, or the "esc" key on the keyboard, both close the program

Sample output

ALOS PALSAR data over SanFransisco, California in pauli encoding (r, g, b) = (T22, T33, T11):

For example, triggering the processing by pointing at water, demonstrates (by "cancelling" water) the ability to pinpoint ships:

e.g. optimum radar cross section produced by selecting target at row/col index: (x,y)=863,739

whereas cancelling an urban area highlights oceanographic and topographic features: e.g. optimum radar cross section produced by selecting target at point (x,y) = (688, 663)


At your terminal and from within the cloude_decom folder:

python3 cpp/

Changing the target window size

Default target window size is 3. To run with a different window size, e.g. 5:

cd T3
cloude_view stack.bin 5

NEW: running the Python version

If you already downloaded the code, proceed to step 3)

1) download the code

curl -o; unzip; mv cloude_decom-master cloude_decom

2) enter the project folder

cd cloude_decom

3) make sure python dependencies are installed ( quite standard ):

python3 -m pip install numpy matplotlib

4) run the python code on the sample data provided:

python3 py/ T3

This gui works "the same" as the C++ gui:

  • Depressing the mouse button will restore the "default" visualization e.g. (r,g,b) = (T22, T33, T11).
  • Releasing the mouse button will run the decom ( and generate and display the product opt.bin).

Press on the keyboard, or use the "close window" button to exit.

5) Polygon / area target

Using the right mouse button draws an area target. Click the left mouse button once to close the polygon

6) Polygon / area target: specified from shapefile + georeferenced image

Here is the sample command for running the decom using a "shapefile" target:

python3 py/ T3 --shapefile=T3/shapefiles/water.shp

and e.g. cancelling a ship:

python3 py/ T3 --shapefile=T3/shapefiles/ship.shp

Note that T11.bin must include georeferencing information in the T11.hdr file. For this option, the GUI is suppressed and outputs ( opt.bin, etc ) are made available in the T3 data folder.

7) Extra options

To run the python version at a specific target location (column, row index) examine the top of the python file for examples. For example, the flag --special_rgb can be used to display a special color-encoding:

8) Extra parameters

Quite a few parameters are output by the program, such as the diagonal elements of the rank-1 T3 matrix:

Comparing the pauli representation with the eigenvalues ( sorted ) and also with the rank-1 matrix elements:

Running the method on other data

  • Make sure your dataset is in T3 matrix format ( PolSARPro standard ). ENVI header files ( one for each .bin file) are expected, as is the PolSARPro "config.txt" file.

Running on T3 data produced by SNAP


Thanks to Eric Pottier and JAXA for providing ALOS-1 quad-pol data over San Fransisco, California. Please click here to see other sample data generously provided by Dr. Pottier.

Thanks to:

  • Hao Chen, Canadian Forest Service
  • Subhadip Dey, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
  • Shane Cloude, AELc
  • Adithi Balaji (U.Vic)

for initial beta testing


At your convenience, please be welcome to:

Notes: steps performed on

  1. Radar --> Radiometric --> Calibrate (write complex output)
  2. Radar --> Geometric --> ALOS Deskewing
  3. Radar --> Polarimetric --> Faraday Rotation Correction
  4. Radar -> Polarimetrc --> Polarimetric Matrix Generation ( T3 matrix )
  5. Radar --> Radiometric --> Radiometric Terrain Flattening ( Small et al RTF )
  6. Radar --> Utilities --> Multilooking ( to approx square pixel )
  7. Radar -> Polarimetric --> Speckle filter (Boxcar filter, 7x7)
  8. Radar -> Geometric --> Terrain Correction --> Range Doppler Terrain Correction ( to put in geographic coordinates )


Interactive implementation of Cloude Decomposition by Dr. Shane R Cloude







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