- Bug that prevented workout split distances from being edited through the Batch Calculator
- Improved accuracy of the VO2 Max model
- Miscellaneous dark mode issues
- Batch Calculator
- Workout Calculator
- The edit target set dialog is opened automatically after a new target set is created
- Target sets can only be used by the calculator they were created in (and by the Batch Calculator for pace, race, and workout target sets)
- Bug that prevented Split Calculator splits from being saved after a new target set was created
- Support for custom cross-calculator target sets
- About page
- Reorganized Race Calculator options and output
- Default units can now be customized
- Improved input element behavior and validation
- Improved accuracy of the Purdy Points model for time-based targets
- Improved accessibility
- Split calculator
- Calculator state is saved between sessions
- Improved arrow key behavior in time input fields
- Improved formatting of distances and durations
- Bug in how default units were chosen
- Issue that caused all pace and race calculator results to be NaN
- Time based targets in pace and race calculators
- Advanced race calculator options and output
- Race calculator shows pace of each result
- Improved calculator interfaces
- Default units are chosen automatically
- Dark mode
- Race calculator
- The list of distance targets can be edited
- Improved appearance
- Inactive pages are cached
- Minute and second input fields wrap around
- Pace and Unit Calculators
- Progressive Web App
- Basic app structure