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Powershell agent for FIM or MIM (Microsoft Identity Manager)

Full support to run Powershell script file for all interface functions as rule extensions or full agent Powershell script file have same functions as c# file Exampel script is provided in example-Agents

IMASynchronization IMVSynchronization IMAExtensible2GetCapabilitiesEx IMAExtensible2GetSchema IMAExtensible2GetParameters IMAExtensible2CallImport IMAExtensible2CallExport IMAExtensible2Password


Copy MIM-Powershell-Agent.dll, NLog.dll NLog.xml to MIM extensions directory Create reg keys (MIM-Powershell-Agent.reg), update path for default loging, LoggingPath. Optinal keys: IMAExtensible2InitalScript - if need to use script for GetConfigParameters (new agents) ArchiveAboveSizeMb - Nlog parameter for archive file in Mb, default 20 MaxArchiveFiles - Nlog parameter for archive files, dufalt 10 MaxLogLevel - Nlog max log lever, default Fatal MinLogLevel - Nlog min log lever, default Info LoggingConfigurationFullPath - To use Nlog config file insted of default, full path

Deploy new agent

Create new agent in MIM select extensible Connectivity 2.0 and MIM-Powershell-Agent.dll, refresh interface Next update path to script file to use Continue to deploy as normal agent Log are write to LoggingPath\MIM-Powershell-Agent.log as default

enable Metaverse Rule Extention, IMVSynchronization

Change rule extensions and browse to MIM-Powershell-Agent.dll Create IMVSynchronization.ps1 script under any agent working directory, ex 'Synchronization Service\MaData\AD' Log are write to 'Synchronization Service\MaData\MIM-Powershell-Agent.log' as default

enable Synchronization Rule, IMASynchronization

Select MIM-Powershell-Agent.dll in agent config for extensions dll. Create IMASynchronization.ps1 script under any agent working directory, ex Synchronization Service\MaData\AD
Log are write to 'Synchronization Service\MaData<agent name>\MIM-Powershell-Agent.log' as default