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Releases: ascorbic/unpic-img


26 Feb 10:15
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Patch Changes

  • f6a53fc: Update React dependencies to support React 19


31 Jan 17:33
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Major Changes

  • cd0fe95: Welcome to version 1.0.0 of Unpic! 🎉

    This is a major update, with changes to the API of all frameworks. This will
    not affect you if you are just using the components with default options, but
    if you are passing custom transformers or specifying the CDN then you will
    need to update your code.

    Breaking changes

    • The cdnOptions property has been removed. Use the new
      options property instead.
    • The transformer property has been removed from the default Image
      component. Import the base component and specify the
      transformer there instead. The type signature for the transformer has also
      changed. See the unpic library documentation for more information.
    • The cdn property has been removed. Either use the new
      fallback property or import
      the base component and pass a single provider to it.


    Most of the changes are because of a new approach to handling individual image
    CDNs and providers in the base Unpic library. This is designed to make Unpic
    more flexible, efficient and modular. It also introduces support for type-safe
    custom operations and options for each provider.

    Provider operations

    Supported frameworks: All except webc and lit.

    The new operations property allows you to specify custom operations for each
    provider. Many image CDNs support dozens of custom operations. Previously
    these were hard to use with Unpic. The new operations property gives
    type-safe support for all supported features of each provider. This works even
    if you have images from multiple providers in the same component, as you can
    specify options for each provider separately.

      operations={{ imgix: { flip: "h" }, bunny: { flop: true } }}

    The operations are all type-safe, with JSDoc comments and TypeScript
    definitions for all supported operations. This means you can get
    autocompletion and type checking for all operations.

    Provider options

    Supported frameworks: All except webc and lit.

    The new options property allows you to specify custom options for each
    provider. This is similar to the current cdnOptions property, but with
    type-safe support for all options of each provider. This allows you to specify
    options such as account IDs and domains for each provider.

    Fallback providers

    Supported frameworks: All. The astro and nextjs frameworks default to the
    framework's image provider as fallback.

    The new fallback property allows you to specify a fallback provider for each
    image. This allows you to use auto-detection for image CDNs as now, but also
    specify a fallback provider for local images and images from unknown
    providers. This is useful if you have a mix of images from different sources,
    and want to ensure that all images are handled correctly. For example, you may
    have a Contentful blog hosted on Netlify, with images that are mostly hosted
    on Contentful (a supported CDN), but also some images from third-parties or
    your own server. You can specify Netlify as the fallback provider so that it
    uses the Netlify Image CDN for all images that are not from Contentful or
    another supported provider. This will be all handled automatically.

    Base component

    Supported frameworks: All except webc, lit and angular.

    Previously, the Image and Source components always loaded support for
    every provider, even if you specified a single provider or custom transformer.
    This is fine if you are using auto-detection, but many people wanted to use
    the components in a more custom or modular way. The new base components allow
    you to use the Unpic component without any of the automatic detection and
    transform logic. You can provide your own transformer, or use a single,
    tree-shakable provider import. This is useful if you are using a single
    provider, or if you are building a custom component based on Unpic.

    // Import from the `/base` subpath
    import { Image } from "@unpic/react/base";
    // Import the transformer for the provider you are using
    import { transform } from "unpic/providers/imgix";
    export const Hero = () => (
        operations={{ sepia: 50 }}

    The operations and options properties are still type-safe and inferred
    from the transformer, and you don't need to specify the provider name in the
    operations object.


Minor Changes

  • 5080a40: Adds support for passing CDN options

0.0.49 (2024-03-19)

Bug Fixes

0.0.48 (2024-03-13)

Bug Fixes

  • deps: update dependency unpic to ^3.18.0

0.0.47 (2024-02-18)

Bug Fixes

0.0.46 (2024-02-08)

Bug Fixes

  • deps: update dependency unpic to ^3.17.0

0.0.45 (2024-02-07)

Bug Fixes

  • deps: update dependency unpic to ^3.16.1

0.0.44 (2024-01-27)


0.0.43 (2024-01-23)


  • astro: add experimental image service

0.0.42 (2023-12-11)

Bug Fixes

  • deps: update dependency unpic to ^3.16.0

0.0.41 (2023-12-05)

Bug Fixes

  • deps: update dependency unpic to ^3.15.0

0.0.40 (2023-11-16)

Bug Fixes

  • deps: update dependency unpic to ^3.14.1

0.0.39 (2023-11-16)

Bug Fixes

  • core: add styles to images without transformers

0.0.38 (2023-11-16)

Bug Fixes

  • deps: update dependency unpic to ^3.14.0

0.0.37 (2023-11-13)

Bug Fixes

  • generate correct type declarations for ESM and CJS

0.0.36 (2023-11-07)

Bug Fixes

  • deps: update dependency unpic to ^3.13.0

0.0.35 (2023-11-03)


  • svelte: forward load listener on Svelte component

0.0.34 (2023-10-31)

Bug Fixes

  • deps: update ...
Read more


19 Jan 17:13
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Major Changes

  • cd0fe95: Welcome to version 1.0.0 of Unpic! 🎉

    This is a major update, with changes to the API of all frameworks. This will
    not affect you if you are just using the components with default options, but
    if you are passing custom transformers or specifying the CDN then you will
    need to update your code.

    Breaking changes

    • The cdnOptions property has been removed. Use the new
      options property instead.
    • The transformer property has been removed from the default Image
      component. Import the base component and specify the
      transformer there instead. The type signature for the transformer has also
      changed. See the unpic library documentation for more information.
    • The cdn property has been removed. Either use the new
      fallback property or import
      the base component and pass a single provider to it.


    Most of the changes are because of a new approach to handling individual image
    CDNs and providers in the base Unpic library. This is designed to make Unpic
    more flexible, efficient and modular. It also introduces support for type-safe
    custom operations and options for each provider.

    Provider operations

    Supported frameworks: All except webc and lit.

    The new operations property allows you to specify custom operations for each
    provider. Many image CDNs support dozens of custom operations. Previously
    these were hard to use with Unpic. The new operations property gives
    type-safe support for all supported features of each provider. This works even
    if you have images from multiple providers in the same component, as you can
    specify options for each provider separately.

      operations={{ imgix: { flip: "h" }, bunny: { flop: true } }}

    The operations are all type-safe, with JSDoc comments and TypeScript
    definitions for all supported operations. This means you can get
    autocompletion and type checking for all operations.

    Provider options

    Supported frameworks: All except webc and lit.

    The new options property allows you to specify custom options for each
    provider. This is similar to the current cdnOptions property, but with
    type-safe support for all options of each provider. This allows you to specify
    options such as account IDs and domains for each provider.

    Fallback providers

    Supported frameworks: All. The astro and nextjs frameworks default to the
    framework's image provider as fallback.

    The new fallback property allows you to specify a fallback provider for each
    image. This allows you to use auto-detection for image CDNs as now, but also
    specify a fallback provider for local images and images from unknown
    providers. This is useful if you have a mix of images from different sources,
    and want to ensure that all images are handled correctly. For example, you may
    have a Contentful blog hosted on Netlify, with images that are mostly hosted
    on Contentful (a supported CDN), but also some images from third-parties or
    your own server. You can specify Netlify as the fallback provider so that it
    uses the Netlify Image CDN for all images that are not from Contentful or
    another supported provider. This will be all handled automatically.

    Base component

    Supported frameworks: All except webc, lit and angular.

    Previously, the Image and Source components always loaded support for
    every provider, even if you specified a single provider or custom transformer.
    This is fine if you are using auto-detection, but many people wanted to use
    the components in a more custom or modular way. The new base components allow
    you to use the Unpic component without any of the automatic detection and
    transform logic. You can provide your own transformer, or use a single,
    tree-shakable provider import. This is useful if you are using a single
    provider, or if you are building a custom component based on Unpic.

    // Import from the `/base` subpath
    import { Image } from "@unpic/react/base";
    // Import the transformer for the provider you are using
    import { transform } from "unpic/providers/imgix";
    export const Hero = () => (
        operations={{ sepia: 50 }}

    The operations and options properties are still type-safe and inferred
    from the transformer, and you don't need to specify the provider name in the
    operations object.

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [cd0fe95]
    • @unpic/core@1.0.0


27 Dec 18:24
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Patch Changes

astro: v0.0.47

17 Sep 11:46
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0.0.47 (2024-09-17)

Bug Fixes

react: v0.1.14

28 Apr 11:16
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0.1.14 (2024-04-28)

Bug Fixes

  • react: handle fetchpriority vs fetchPriority (#644) (6b76808)
  • react: support Next.js server component (#646) (a2e58ea)

webc: v0.0.43

19 Mar 17:56
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0.0.43 (2024-03-19)

Bug Fixes


  • The following workspace dependencies were updated
    • dependencies
      • @unpic/core bumped to 0.0.49

vue: v0.0.50

19 Mar 17:55
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0.0.50 (2024-03-19)

Bug Fixes


  • The following workspace dependencies were updated
    • dependencies
      • @unpic/core bumped to 0.0.49

svelte: v0.0.53

19 Mar 17:56
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0.0.53 (2024-03-19)

Bug Fixes


  • The following workspace dependencies were updated
    • dependencies
      • @unpic/core bumped to 0.0.49

solid: v0.0.49

19 Mar 17:55
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0.0.49 (2024-03-19)

Bug Fixes


  • The following workspace dependencies were updated
    • dependencies
      • @unpic/core bumped to 0.0.49