- Massive Stochastic Testing of SQL
- Testing Database Engines via Query Plan Guidance
- DynSQL: Stateful Fuzzing for Database Management Systems with Complex and Valid SQL Query Generation
- Testing SQL Server's Query Optimizer: Challenges, Techniques and Experiences
- Squirrel — a coverage-guided DBMS fuzzer.
- Oracle database replay — Oracle replay from 2008
- Scope playback: self-validation in the cloud — Scope playback from Microsoft for SQL-like execution on top of MapReduce
- Testing query execution engines with mutations
- Verifying Transactional Consistency of MongoDB
- SQLancer
- Deploying a Steered Query Optimizer in Production at Microsoft
- The Cascades Framework for Query Optimization at Microsoft (Nico Bruno + Cesar Galindo-Legaria)
- Creating a Virtuous Cycle in Performance Testing at MongoDB
- The Use of Change Point Detection to Identify Software Performance Regressions in a Continuous Integration System
- Fair Benchmarking Considered Difficult: Common Pitfalls In Database Performance Testing
- SparkFuzz: searching correctness regressions in modern query engines
- Correctness and Performance of Apache Spark SQL with Bogdan Ghit and Nicolas Poggi (Databricks)
- DuckDB Testing - Present and Future by Mark Raasveldt — comprehensive overview of testing of DuckDB for correctness, reliability and performance
- Automatic capture of minimal, portable, and executable bug repros using AMPERe (DBTest 2012)
- Testing the accuracy of query optimizers (DBTest 2012) aka TAQO
- Orca: a modular query optimizer architecture for big data (SIGMOD 2014)
- Introducing Pebble: A RocksDB-inspired key-value store written in Go — Includes thorough discussion on what it takes to properly test a storage engine
- https://www.sqlite.org/sqllogictest/doc/trunk/about.wiki — Sqllogictest for SQLite