This bot fetches data for all cyrptos on Binance and can generates sets of indicators as follows:
- Bollinger Bands
- RSI + Stochastic RSI
- Candlestick analysis
Based on these indicators, you can filter out the cryptos based on whether a crypto shows:
- Breakout Ups and Pullback Downs
- Breakout Downs and Pullback Ups
- Reversal Ups and Downs
- Bullish Candle Scores
- Bearish Candle Scores
- Uptrending or downtrending MACD/Signal/MACD-Signal-Change
Currently 1hour, 1day and 1week intervals are being used. More intervals can be added by editing default_configs in the file.
Install the requirements pip install -r requirements.txt
Rename the keys_bkp.json to keys.json. Update the keys inside, obtained from binance. KUCOIN API Keys
Run python
Use the API documentation to load the APIs to postman for testing.
All filters are available in the API documentation below for testing: API DOCUMENTATION
Fetch Desired Cryptos: You can run a fetcher which gather data for all symbols on kucoin, prepares their indicators which can then be used to filter out desired symbols.