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default | 0.2 tutorial |
So you know Python and want to make a website. provides the code to make that easy.
If you want to do the whole tutorial, you'll need to have installed Python,, flup, psycopg2, and Postgres (or equivalent database and Python driver). For details, see
If you have an existing project, take a look at the upgrade page for info on migrating.
Let's get started.
The most important part of any website is its URL structure. Your URLs aren't just the thing that your visitors see and email to their friends, they also provide a mental model of how your website works. On popular sites like, the URLs are even part of the user interface. makes it easy to make great URLs.
To get started with your application, open up a new text file (let's call it
) and type:
import web
This imports the module.
Now we need to tell our URL structure. Let's start out with something simple:
urls = (
'/', 'index',
'', 'index' )
The first part is a regular expressions that matches a URL, like /
, /help/faq
, /item/(\d+)
, etc. (i.e. \d+
would match a sequence of digits). The parentheses say to capture that piece of the matched data for use later on. The second part is the name of a class to send the request to, like index
, view
, welcomes.hello
(which gets the hello
class of the welcomes
module), or get_\1
. \1
is replaced by the first capture of your regular expression; any remaining captures get passed to your function.
This line says we want the URL /
(i.e. the front page) to be handled by the class named index
Now we need to write the index
class. While most people don't notice it just browsing around, your browser uses a language known as HTTP for communicating with the World Wide Web. The details aren't important, but the basic idea is that Web visitors ask web servers to perform certain functions (like GET
) on URLs (like /
or /foo?f=1
is the one we're all familiar with, the one used to request the text of a web page. When you type
into your web browser, it literally asks the Harvard web server to GET /
. The second-most famous, POST
, is often used when submitting certain kinds of forms, like a request to purchase something. You use POST
whenever the act of submitting a request does something (like charge your credit card and process an order). This is key, because GET
URLs can be passed around and indexed by search engines, which you definitely want for most of your pages but definitely don't want for things like processing orders (imagine if Google tried to buy everything on your site!).
In our code, we make the distinction between the two clear:
class index:
def GET(self):
print "Hello, world!"
This GET
function will now get called by anytime some makes a GET
request for /
Alright, now we just need to finish up with a final line telling to start serving web pages:
if __name__ == "__main__":, globals())
This tells to serve the URLs we listed above, looking up the classes in the global namespace of this file.
Now notice that although I've been talking a lot here, we only really have five or so lines of code. That's all you need to make a complete application. If you go to your command line and type:
$ python
Launching server:
You now have your application running a real web server on your computer. Visit that URL and you should see "Hello, world!" (You can add an IP address/port after the "" bit to control where launches the server. You can also tell it to run a fastcgi
or scgi
Note: You can specify the port number to use on the command line like this if you can't or don't want to use the default:
$ python 1234 also has a few tools to help us with debugging. Before the if __name__
on last line, add:
web.webapi.internalerror = web.debugerror
This will give you more helpful error messages. And on the last line add web.reloader
so that it reads:
if __name__ == "__main__":, globals(), web.reloader)
This tells to use the web.reloader "middleware" (middleware is a wrapper function to add some functionality to your web server) which reloads your files whenever you edit them, so that you can see the changes in your web browser right away. (For some serious changes, though, you'll still have to restart the server.) You'll probably want to take this out when you make your site public, but it's great while developing. There's also web.profiler
, which outputs information about how much time each function took at the end of each web page, so that you can make your code faster.
Writing HTML from inside Python can get cumbersome; it's much more fun to write Python from inside HTML. Luckily, makes that pretty easy.
Note: Old versions of used Cheetah templates. You are, of course, welcome to use that or any other software with, but it is no longer officially supported.
Let's make a new directory for our templates (we'll call it templates
). Inside, make a new file whose name ends with HTML (we'll call it index.html
). Now, inside, you can just write normal HTML:
<em>Hello</em>, world!
Or you can use's templating language to add code to your HTML:
$def with (name)
$if name:
I just wanted to say <em>hello</em> to $name.
<em>Hello</em>, world!
Note: Currently, four spaces are required for indentation.
As you can see, the templates look a lot like Python files except for the def with
statement at the top (saying what the template gets called with) and the $
s placed in front of any code. Currently, requires the $def
statement to be the first line of the file. Also, note that automatically escapes any variables used here, so that if for some reason name
is set to a value containing some HTML, it will get properly escaped and appear as plain text. If you want to turn this off, write $:name
instead of $name
Now go back to
. Under the first line, add:
render = web.template.render('templates/')
This tells to look for templates in your templates directory. Then change index.GET
name = 'Bob'
print render.index(name)
('index' is the name of the template and 'name' is the argument passed to it)
Visit your site and it should say hello to Bob.
Development tip: Add , cache=False
to the end of your render
call to have reload your templates every time you visit the page.
But let's say we want to let people enter their own name in. Replace the two lines we added above with:
i = web.input(name=None)
print render.index(
Visit /
and it should say hello to the world. Visit /?name=Joe
and it should say hello to Joe.
Of course, having that ?
in the URL is kind of ugly. Instead, change your URL line at the top to:
'/(.*)', 'index'
and change the definition of index.GET
def GET(self, name):
print render.index(name)
and delete the line setting name. Now visit /Joe
and it should say hello to Joe.
If you wish to learn more about templates, vist the templetor page.
Note: Before you can start using a database, make sure you have the appropriate database library installed. For MySQL databases, use MySQLdb and for Postgres use psycopg2.
Above your
line add:
web.config.db_parameters = dict(dbn='postgres', user='username', pw='password', db='dbname')
(Adjust these -- especially username
, password
, and dbname
-- for your setup. MySQL users will also want to change dbn
definition to mysql
If you're running a web application, that's all you need to do -- will automatically handle connecting and disconnecting from the database. But if you're working from the command line or starting your own thread, you need to call web.load()
to connect and web.unload()
to disconnect.
Using your database engines admin interface, create a simple table in your database:
id serial primary key,
title text,
created timestamp default now(),
done boolean default 'f' );
And an initial row:
INSERT INTO todo (title) VALUES ('Learn');
Return to editing
and change index.GET
to the following, replacing the entire function:
def GET(self):
todos ='todo')
print render.index(todos)
and change back the URL handler to take just /
as in:
'/', 'index',
Edit and replace the entire contents of index.html
so that it reads:
$def with (todos)
$for todo in todos:
<li id="t$">$todo.title</li>
Visit your site again and you should see your one todo item: "Learn". Congratulations! You've made a full application that reads from the database. Now let's let it write to the database as well.
At the end of index.html
, add:
<form method="post" action="add">
<p><input type="text" name="title" /> <input type="submit" value="Add" /></p>
And change your URLs list to read:
'/', 'index',
'/add', 'add'
(You've got to be very careful about those commas. If you omit them, Python adds the strings together and sees '/index/addadd'
instead of your list of URLs!)
Now add another class:
class add:
def POST(self):
i = web.input()
n = web.insert('todo', title=i.title)
(Notice how we're using POST
for this?)
gives you access to any variables the user submitted through a form.
Note: In order to access data from multiple identically-named items, in a list format (e.g.: a series of check-boxes all with the attribute name="name") use:
inserts values into the database table todo
and gives you back the ID of the new row. seeother
redirects users to that URL.
Some quick additional notes: web.transact()
starts a transaction. web.commit()
commits it; web.rollback()
rolls it back. web.update
works just like web.insert
except instead of returning the ID it takes it (or a string WHERE
clause) after the table name.
, web.query
, and other functions in return "Storage objects", which are just like dictionaries except you can do
in addition to d['foo']
. This really cleans up some code.
You can find the full details on these and all the functions in the documentation.
This ends the tutorial for now. Take a look at the documentation for lots more cool stuff you can do with