The LinkedIn-clone web application presents a custom LinkedIn-clone.
The APP is created with the latest industry standards using React.js and Redux Toolkit
Firebase is used for the backend.
- Login using Google (Firebase Authentication)
- Create a new post
- Share photos (from computer) and videos (youtube links)
- Like/dislike posts
- Realtime update likes and posts
- Auto authenticate user on refresh
- Delete your posts
- Dark Mode (work in progress)
- Sign Out (Check header for Sign Out option)
This project was built using these technologies.
- React.js
- Redux Toolkit
- Firebase
Clone this repo
Install all the dependencies
npm i
Setup Firebase
Create Firebase account
Create a new project
Create a web app for that
Copy your config from there
- Select config option
- Paste those config inside firebase/config.js file
Setup authentication using Google
Tweak code as you like
Let's build the optimized version
npm run build
Now for hosting on Firebase lets config Firebase locally
Install Firebase CLI
Login to Firebase
firebase login
Initialize Firebase
firebase init
Select hosting in the menu
Select your respective project from the list
Select 'build' as your hosting directory and other options as you want
Let's deploy our clone and make it live
firebase deploy
That's it our clone is up and running share it now
Aryan Bindal
- Github: Aryaniiit002
- Linkedin: Aryan Bindal
- E-mail:
- Might add comment section on posts
- Mobile responsiveness
- Might add some new features.
If you've read this far....give us a ⭐️!