Truffle ISLISP
- ISLISP2007 standard implementation on GraalVM's Truffle framework. -Features
- Adhoc polymorphism through generic methods; -
- Dynamic and lexical scoping; -
- Procedural macros. -
- Fast performancewip; -
- C FFI; -
- Tooling support such as debugger through DAP or Chrome tools; -
- Interop with other truffle implementations such as java, python, javascript, llvm, and more. -
-- Downloads are provided through Github releases. -
- Windows / Linux / MacOS links provide downloads of a standalone interpreter compiled to native binary for corresponding OS. Note, that the interpreter - had been compiled to only include core ISLISP language, it doesn't include other languages like javascript, python, etc. Either - build the project yourself with necessary language dependencies added, or use the jar language distribution (see below) in an environemnt geared - towards truffle polyglot programming. -
- Language jar link contains the core language itself. You will need to use it if you want to create customized runtime (such as, different security configuration, - or different language dependencies), or if you just plainly want to use islisp scripts from java directly. -
- No stable releases are yet availablewip. -
- No docker nor maven repository releases are yet availablewip. - - -
- Windows -
- Linux -
- MacOS -
- Language jar -