The core python library of the Giskard framework for constraint- and optimization-based robot motion control.
Install the following python packages:
sudo pip install pybullet
sudo pip install scipy==1.2.2 # this is the last version for python 2.7
sudo pip install casadi
sudo pip install sortedcontainers
sudo pip install hypothesis # only needed if you want to run tests
sudo pip install pandas
Now create the workspace
source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash # start using ROS kinetic. Replace with melodic, if you are using it.
mkdir -p ~/giskardpy_ws/src # create directory for workspace
cd ~/giskardpy_ws # go to workspace directory
catkin init # init workspace, you might have to pip install catkin-tools
cd src # go to source directory of workspace
wstool init # init rosinstall
wstool merge
# update rosinstall file
wstool update # pull source repositories
rosdep install --ignore-src --from-paths . # install dependencies available through apt
cd .. # go to workspace directory
catkin build # build packages
source ~/giskardpy_ws/devel/setup.bash # source new overlay
If you want to use the symengine backend, it can be install like this (does not have to be part of the ros workspace):
sudo apt-get install llvm-6.0-dev # or llvm-8-dev if you are using 18.04
git clone
git clone
cd symengine
git checkout `cat ../`
mkdir build
cd build
sudo make install
cd ../../
sudo python install