This is a plugin for VBS3 for publishing a player's position data via Google Buffer Protocol and ZeroMq.
Currently builds for Visual Studio 2008 (x86 and x64).
Determine which DLL to use (x86 or x64).
Download pre-built dll.
Place in plugins directory
- C:\Bohemia Interactive\VBS3\plugins for x86
- C:\Bohemia Interactive\VBS3\plugins64 for x64
Download the appropariate ZeroMQ DLL for the target platform (x86 or x64).
Download the appropariate pthreads DLL for the target platform (x86 or x64).
These 2 DLLs must be placed in the Windows System PATH.
Start VBS3
Under Extensions, check that vbs3zeromqposplugin is loaded.
By default, the plugin is hard-coded to publish on port 5551. If a different value is desired, the plugin must be recompiled with a different value hard-coded in.
This is a demo application for acting as a sink for listening to multiple VBS3ZeroMqPosPlugin instances and then publishing to multiple web-based clients.
sudo apt-get install libzmq3 libzmq3-dev
Install libjzmq - Java Binding for Ubuntu 14.04/14.10
- git clone
- cd jzmq
- git checkout v3.1.0
- ./
- ./configure
- make
- sudo make install
- sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib/
Install libjzmq - Java Binding for Ubuntu 15.04
- sudo apt-get install libzmq-java
- If using Oracle Java, the libjzmq library must be able to be found in /usr/lib
- [REQUIRED] sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jni/ /usr/lib/
- [OPTIONAL] sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jni/ /usr/lib/
- [OPTIONAL] sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jni/ /usr/lib/libjzmq.s o.0.0.0
The default for OS X and Winows is to use jeromq intead of jzmq for ZeroMQ.
- git clone
- cd VBS3ZeroMqPosPlugin
- git checkout v1.0
- cd vbs3-pos-subscriber
- mvn clean package
By default, the JETTY_PORT_VALUE is 8888 unless otherwise specified on the command line. At least one VBS3 ZeroMQ publisher must be specified.
java -jar target/vbs3-pos-subscriber-1.0.jar -z VBS3ZeroMqPosPlugin_SERVER_1:5551 -z VBS3ZeroMqPosPlugin_SERVER_2:5551 [-j JETTY_PORT_VALUE]
- Using the latest versions of Firefox and Google Chrome, view: http://vbs3-pos-subscriber_IP:JETTY_PORT_VALUE/vbs3_map.jsp
- Click "Start Receiving Data"