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Docker Ruby Images

Base Ruby images for Articulate services.

What's Included


🌟 recommended image

  • articulate/ruby:3.4 🌟
  • articulate/ruby:3.4-node 🌟
  • articulate/ruby:3.3
  • articulate/ruby:3.3-node
  • articulate/ruby:3.2
  • articulate/ruby:3.2-node

Deprecated / Legacy Images

Please utilize one of the articulate/ruby images above.

  • articulate/articulate-ruby:3.2-bullseye-slim-minimal
  • articulate/articulate-ruby:3.2-bullseye-slim
  • articulate/articulate-ruby:3.2-bullseye-slim-qt
  • articulate/articulate-ruby:3.1-bullseye-slim-minimal
  • articulate/articulate-ruby:3.1-bullseye-slim
  • articulate/articulate-ruby:3.1-bullseye-slim-qt

articulate/ruby vs articulate/articulate-ruby

articulate/articulate-ruby are the legacy Docker images. These run as root and include additional software not always needed. Use articulate/ruby where possible and install your own software with install_packages.

Creating a new image

The easiest way to create a new image is to copy an existing one and change the base image. If creating from scratch, the images need the following:

  • Everything listed in What's included
  • make for internal tooling.
  • A service user and group with a GID and UID of 1001. This should be the default user.
  • A /service directory as the default working directory.