Automatic recognition of car license plates on video using YOLO and EasyOCR models. YOLO will be used for the object detection task, EasyOCR - for the optical character recognition task, and an algorithm has also been implemented that determines the coordinates of the license plate corners using an algorithm based on the Hough algorithm.
- Make sure that you have Python version 3.11 installed.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Install the dependencies from the file requirements.txt:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run to perform license plate recognition on video.
You can change the following parameters of auto_number_plate_rec
- video_path (str): The path to the input video file.
- save_video (bool): If True, the processing result is saved to a video file. By default, False.
- show_video (bool): If True, the processing result is displayed in the window. By default, False.
- show_fps (bool): If True, the current FPS is displayed on the frame. By default, True.
- output_video_path (str): The path to save the processed video. The default is "output_video.mp4".