A small shellcode loader library written in C#.
This small library allows you to inject shellcode in memory of current launched file or any other processes using different techniques.
Useful to use as red team or in a remote access tool. Works for 32 & 64 bit shellcode.
Note :
- has been tested on same process and notepad as target
I added some test payloads which I've converted with
- First with : Donut (https://github.com/TheWover/donut) : turns my payload into raw shellcode
- Second with HxD Editor (https://mh-nexus.de/en/downloads.php?product=HxD20) : gives me an array of raw bytes from payloads converted with Donut
How to use it ?
For same process:
ShellCodeLoader.ShellCodeLoader cpp = new ShellCodeLoader.ShellCodeLoader(PayloadCpp64.rawData);
cpp.LoadWithKernel32();//can be LoadWithNTDelegates , LoadWithKernel32Delegates or LoadWithNT
For other processes:
Process Target = Process.GetProcessesByName("notepad")[0];
ShellCodeLoader.ShellCodeLoaderEx cpp = new ShellCodeLoader.ShellCodeLoaderEx(Target, PayloadCpp64.rawData);
cpp.LoadWithKernel32();//or cpp.LoadWithNT();
ShellCodeLoader.MapView cpp = new ShellCodeLoader.MapView(PayloadCpp64.rawData);
MapView with target:
ShellCodeLoader.MapView cpp = new ShellCodeLoader.MapView(Target, PayloadCpp64.rawData);
ShellCodeLoader.QueueAPC cpp = new ShellCodeLoader.QueueAPC(PayloadCpp64.rawData);
Minimal API:
ShellCodeLoader.ShellCodeLoaderMinimalNativeAPI cpp = new ShellCodeLoader.ShellCodeLoaderMinimalNativeAPI(PayloadCpp64.rawData);
cpp.Asynchronous = true;// false otherwise
Includes :
- Asynchronous (a simple Task.Run to not block main thread)
- Loading with Kernel32
- Loading with NtDll
- NtDll : NtAllocateVirtualMemory
- NtDll : NtWriteVirtualMemory
- NtDll : NtProtectVirtualMemory
- NtDll : NtFreeVirtualMemory
- NtDll : NtCreateThreadEx
- NtDll : NtCreateSection
- NtDll : NtMapViewOfSection
- NtDll : NtTestAlert
- Kernel32 : GetCurrentProcess
- Kernel32 : VirtualAlloc
- Kernel32 : VirtualAllocEx
- Kernel32 : VirtualFree
- Kernel32 : VirtualProtect
- Kernel32 : VirtualProtectEx
- Kernel32 : WriteProcessMemory
- Kernel32 : CreateRemoteThread
- Kernel32 : GetModuleHandle
- Kernel32 : GetProcAddress
- Kernel32 : QueueUserAPC
- Kernel32 : SleepEx
- Enumeration : PageProtection
- Enumeration : TypeAlloc
- Enumeration: FreeType
- Enumeration : SectionAccess
- Enumeration : MappingAttributes
- Delegates : all functions have been written with delegate style except GetModuleHandle and GetProcAddress
Inject shellcode in another process with VirtualEx and NtEx functions- Check if shellcode is 64 or 32 bit before injection
- Check if dll (kernel32, ntdll) have been loaded
Known :
- Debugging 32 bit test injection involves PInvokeStackImbalance